Mandy 28 year old Starting new journey of loosing 150 pounds along side others<3

7mandyc Posts: 5 Member
Hello Everyone,

My name is Mandy
I am looking forward to growing with friends.
If you are along side this journey I would like to connect with you.
I started a blog, and will be making my second post with pictures.
My inches, my weight and what I will be doing and how I will be feeling.
I started something called SLIM ROAST.. I am one for thinking everythings a gimmic.... but this really works . I have friends drinking this coffee, its got great ingredients in it, and allows you to feel energy, and to focus on what your doing not just food!

Check out my blog, I will be posting here as well to keep everyone informed and show them how it really works!!!!!
All the love and support my friends please add me . We are all in this together:)


  • 7mandyc
    7mandyc Posts: 5 Member
    Official Day 1: Slim Roast Journey.

    My mood when I woke up: Tired, had a bad dream or something.

    Time of Coffee: Started a little late today, it was around 2:30

    Current weight and Inches: I currently weight 306 pounds!!! the most I have ever weighed. Dear lord. 56 inches for my waist.

    Hello Everyone,

    As mentioned I took my measurements and weighed myself today.

    It is always such a bummer when you do that when you know your over weight.

    I mean I have always been over weight as I have mentioned.

    Never ever have I taken pictures to show everyone.

    I FEEL disgusted, and just wish it would melt off instantly. HOWEVER in life, it is not that easy:) . Imagination is though! This is for a good cause as well.

    I am optimistic.

    This is to track my progress so if it does work well you can see just how well it works. If your taking Slim Roast than you already know it works!!!

    I drank the Coffee around 2:30 pm today. I ate first.

    Around 4:00pm is when I felt my energy levels go up, and my mind was focused.

    It was cleaning day today. Sunday is always cleaning day for me. My mom must have in grained this in my head due to our weekend cleaning days when I was a kid. Sunday cleaning day always!

    Thankfully I had the motivation with the Slim Roast. I would say around 5pm my eyes did not feel tired, and I didn't have to much energy like the first time I tried it. I always know when it kicks in because my thirst starts. Not thirst for anything but water! Which is fantastic.

    I had 2 mini pizzas today around 2:00 that was the only thing I had eaten. I am still full.

    I went to the dollar store today. I find that to be one of my weaknesses . You know the cheap junk food and the cheap pop. I went there with what I was going to buy in my mind and that's what I remained focused on. I need to get garbage bags, and cleaning cloths! and for the first time that's all I walked out of their with.

    The first time I tried SLIM ROAST my energy level was so high, although I enjoyed it , it was a bit to much. Than Christine had told me I was to eat. I remembered that this time, and it really helped. My energy level is not to much. My mood is calm, its not over thinking . I am thinking about what I have to accomplish tomorrow at work, and that's about it. Tomorrow will be my second day . By the end of this week on Sunday, I will have updated pictures to show . Let hope I slim down at least 5 pounds ;). I will continue to blog every day on my moods and if there is any differences that I notice.

    I am going to eat now though. A small dinner that I will add into tomorrow's post.

    I need to incorporate my exercises at home as well. You know some push ups some sit ups... I don't want to do any jumping jacks as I live in an apartment, and don't want them to think the second earthquake hit here in Vancouver! Bahahaha.

    In any case consider yourself informed.

    Thank you so much for reading.

    I cannot add pictures for some odd reason, but check out the pictures on this BLOG
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm glad you and your friends were able to find something that works for you! It sounds like it already is helping you for the better! I wish you luck and I look forward to joining you on your journey to a healthier you! :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Mandy congrats on starting this journey. I don't have any experience with the coffee you are drinking so I can't comment on that. Taking pictures of myself is not something that I enjoy doing but is why I forced myself to do it for my journey. I HATE the way that I look so I am hoping that by posting them on the internet for others to see, it is one more reason that I will stick to losing weight this time.

    I don't know if you have started this journal for advice from random people or just to document where your journey takes you but I would like to offer up something that I have seen already from your post.

    You mentioned in your first post that the first thing you ate was two mini pizzas at 2pm. I believe you will benefit greatly from waking up and having a modest healthy breakfast to kick your metabolism in first thing in the morning. I advocate oatmeal because in the past it has helped me huge to lose weight. Another reason that love oatmeal is the fact it costs pennies per serving, I don't use the packages but rather buy the 1kg or larger bags of instant oats. My little cheat is I put a bit of 100% maple syrup on it to make it a bit sweeter, in the past I have used cut up apples or chocolate protein powder. Both are delicious.

    I am in no way a nutritionist but I have read many times that when you don't eat enough and don't eat often enough your body thinks you are starving and stores fat reserves. I think it is important to eat because if I go through the day without it, when I finally start to eat I don't stop.

    If I am stepping out of line by offering a suggestion please let me know as you didn't mention if you were looking for advice or not.

    Good luck from a fellow Canadian!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Mandy, I am going to apologize for giving you advice on what and when to eat. I was so excited to have joined this forum/group and I was jumping in with both feet. It is only after reading a couple, ok 70 pages of the confessions thread that I realized how annoyed some people get when others give them an opinion without them asking for it.

    I really do apologize, and never meant any harm in it if you didn't want it.