New here. Anyone else ttc?



  • LolaDeeDaisy23
    LolaDeeDaisy23 Posts: 383 Member
    @fbmandy55 I am so so happy for your BFP! I have heard stories about women who were told they can't get pregnant, give up, and get pregnant! It truly is a miracle. Thank you for your story.

    I haven't posted because I decided not to go through with the egg transfer. I realized I wasn't ready for another failed cycle and if it fails, I don't know what I would do with myself. My last post was in august. Since then, I've taken met every night. If you are a member of The Low Carber Daily Forum group, you would have seen we just adopted a new puppy last week. I've stopped working for a month now. I had a procedure done in the beginning of November and corporate made me take a month of medical leave. As a result, I spent Thanksgiving weekend with my family. I never see them because I work retail, and I always work weekends and holidays.

    For the first time in a long time, I feel happy. And today when using the bathroom, I saw I was spotting!!!! Getting my period means I somehow ovulated ON MY OWN. Which is impossible!!!! I am so so happy.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    edited December 2016
    Congratulations on AF @LolaDeeDaisy23! I love how PCOS gets us excited for things others dread, like AF every month.

    I've posted my story somewhere here before, maybe the TTC success stories sticky. TL:DR is we were told we'd have a better chance of being struck by lightening then getting pregnant naturally. Hubby has bad swimmers and i've got PCOS. After almost 7 years of BFN, we tried keto and got a BFP in 3 months. I miscarried due to PCOS low progesterone but went back on keto and got pregnant again 4 months later, both time naturally and both a surprise.

    My son is now 8 months old and exclusively breastfed until he was 6 months when we introduced some solids. So now he's breastfed with some solids. But until about 7 months old, he had a dairy allergy that wouldnt let me eat any kind of dairy, even trace amounts without him being in extreme pain, bad poo, the works. So keto was just not something I could handle at the time without dairy.

    We started keto December 3rd since his dairy allergy seems to be gone finally. That gives us exactly 4 months before he turns 1 to get my cycle back into coming regularly so we can TTC again. If history holds true, by march or april we could be pregnant again. I started tracking my cycles last month, will start my progesterone after I ovulate this month and do that every month. I am turning 40 this month and have had pcos since I was 13 but only started keto in 2014, so time is not on my side and it may take me longer then I hope to get pregnant again.

    It is amazing how well our bodies work when we feed them correctly for our situation. Getting AF to come on time so you can track cycles, fixing sperm issues, keeping your insulin low to help a sticky baby stick.

    Hang on to hope everyone! We are all in this together, we've all had the same heartaches, month after month after month. It is wonderful we have a place here to vent our frustrations and find an understanding ear.
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