New Member

newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
Hi, I am ashamed to say this is like my 3rd time starting MFP, but I do not want to give up. I love the WAH videos and hope by committing to this group, I will hold myself accountable. I started with the videos 3 mornings a week before work and I do free weights with my husband 3 times a week. I recently overdid it I guess, as my knee hurts, my thighs and hamstrings feel real tight and I have SI joint issues that pop up occasionally (did too much twisting I think). I am now feeling a bit better and want to restart my exercise after a week off, icing and heat. My issue isn't so much with walking and exercising, it is with eating.I finally got my husband to eat healthier and he has lost 12 lbs. I gained 4. I am great at motivating others, but not myself......uggghhh. I would consider myself an emotional eater (my husbands job transfered him away from our kids and grandkids, miss them, one is 8 hrs away and the other is on west coat...forever away!) Hoping to walk everyday and maybe this will help me. Any ideas with the eating? Weigh 177 would like to lose 30 lbs. Sorry for the novel!!


  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    Welcome newjeans-As long as you keep starting, you are on top of it! That is our story and we are sticking to it! :laugh:

    Please check out our monthly walk challenge as you will find a lot of support there. We set our own personal walking goal each month and then encourage each other. Of course, some of us are working on getting rid of holiday pounds as well! :s Remember, it is not so much "healthy eating" as calorie control so eat what you like and just watch the calories.

    I suspect your lack of attention to yourself is common for all of us who feel best when we are caring for others. You mentioned that you feel the loss of your children and grandchildren and it is hard to focus on ourselves when we really want to be with and care for others. My son and granddaughter are in Netherlands, so California sounds very nearby to me, but I understand how much you miss them believe me!

    I am not sure if you have a career of your own, but I have found my career has helped a lot with my eating. I have supported my husband through his Air Force career, raised our sons and now I think of this time as being for me. Just making this small change in the way I think has helped me with the emotional part of over eating.

    Join us in our walks and we will be there to support you! Walk Strong! :)
  • newjeans140
    newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks zichab, yes the Netherlands is far...gosh, I feel for you. I do have a career of my own, the only bad thing about my job is all the goodies everyone brings to the lunchroom...I am doing my best in the willpower department. I will be doing the walking, love Leslie Sansone videos. Thanks for the welcome and support!☺
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Our weight starting points are ruffly the same as is our loss goal. So....Hi there buddy.
  • salamandastron
    salamandastron Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys! I'm also new to the group. I'm trying to get in shape for my wedding in August and am glad to see that there are other Leslie fans on MFP!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Hi, I am ashamed to say this is like my 3rd time starting MFP, but I do not want to give up. I love the WAH videos and hope by committing to this group, I will hold myself accountable. I started with the videos 3 mornings a week before work and I do free weights with my husband 3 times a week. I recently overdid it I guess, as my knee hurts, my thighs and hamstrings feel real tight and I have SI joint issues that pop up occasionally (did too much twisting I think). I am now feeling a bit better and want to restart my exercise after a week off, icing and heat. My issue isn't so much with walking and exercising, it is with eating.I finally got my husband to eat healthier and he has lost 12 lbs. I gained 4. I am great at motivating others, but not myself......uggghhh. I would consider myself an emotional eater (my husbands job transfered him away from our kids and grandkids, miss them, one is 8 hrs away and the other is on west coat...forever away!) Hoping to walk everyday and maybe this will help me. Any ideas with the eating? Weigh 177 would like to lose 30 lbs. Sorry for the novel!!

    @newjeans140 wow! Such similar stories. I haven't been on a scale in a while but I think I weigh somewhere in that ballpark and would like to lose 35-40lbs.

    I am going to commit to WATP 5-6 days/wk. I seriously hope this will be the support group I need to keep me going.

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    BTW, I just found this group today. I have some WATP videos and have been successful in the past but fell off the wagon and need some accountability to get me back in the game.