Snipsa's journal - third (or is it thirtieth) time is the charm

Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
Hi all,

I am neither new to fitness/weightloss or to MFP. Have lost almost 10kg before using MFP, and has lost the same using other weight loss efforts, but have always gained it back.

I haven't been close to my goal weight in fifteen years, so have decided to truly button down and work towards that goal this time.

I'm currently weighing in at 82.7 kg (Down 1.8 kg since 04/01/2016) and very recently bought myself a fitness tracker to help me with the exercise/fitness part of this journey. My goal is to reach 65 kg (no time limit), but have a number of smaller goals to keep me motivated as well.

If you check my diary you may notice that the calorie adjustments based on the tracker are very large. I have a very active job - entails walking throughout the day, and am now trying to add extra walks/jogs in the morning and some evenings. As such the calorie allotment is massive. I have decided to ignore the adjustment for now - will only dip into it when I walked at least one hour on top of my usual routine, as it is clear my body is used to the level of activity I've always had, and I obviously never lost weight simply based on those activities. - I will however always eat more than 1400 gross calories as I don't believe in starving myself to reach this goal (and I know I'll never be able to maintain it if I do reach it that way). There have been days this month that I've eaten over 2400 gross calories, but those were special occasions (birthdays and other celebrations), and I tried to add some extra walks in on those days.

Here are some pictures taken today.

Will attempt to update weekly (to keep myself motivated), and will add pictures every month or so.



  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    I am very positive at the moment. Topped 25000 steps today for the first time according to my fitbit, and am averaging 20000 steps daily.

    Also bought a body composition scale today so will have more clear goals to strive for.

    As for NSV's, walking has definitely become easier and I was able to walk approximately 6 km in 55 minutes.

    Scale is on a steady downward trend, I'm still eating most of what I have always eaten, just keeping the portion sizes under control.

  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Wow. That is awesome!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    that's a lot of daily steps ! - I try to achieve 10,000 and can't always get there.

    Sounds like things are going well :smile:.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey there and congrats on your losses already! Love the idea of the pictures to keep yourself motivated. I am doing the same thing. I am looking forward to reading about your progress here as time goes on!
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    Thought it was time to update and share some small victories (and minor setbacks).

    I recorded my lowest weight a couple of days ago (79.4Kg) - down 3.3kg in approximately 3 weeks. Yay out of the 80's! :wink:

    However the scale reported an increase back into the 80's this morning. But that was most likely due to waterweight (did some basic resistance training yesterday).

    I haven't been aiming for as rapid a weightloss as I've experienced, but have just been enjoying the exercise so much. Have been averaging 1400-1800 Cals daily (gross). Have never really eaten back any exercise calories, except when I'm starving, and then only small amounts, and preferably "good" foods.

    I am looking to increase my protein intake, that seems to be the one macro I'm always lacking in, but am not the biggest fan of meats (one meal per day with preferably white meat is more than enough), so will look to add more eggs and beans and so forth to the diet. (And biltong, within limits of salt intake...)

    Measurements have also gone down by apprximately 2-4 cm's at most sites. Just struggling with my calves :neutral:

    My daily steps have decreased slightly after the "fad" has worn off a bit, but seems to have plateud at between 15000 and 17000 steps, which I believe is maintainable for the future. Walking is staying my biggest form of exercise, but have added some resistance band, and body weight exercises, as well as treadmill and elliptical workouts every other day or so.

    Also started with some 10 minute express Taebo workouts 2-3 times per week. They are extremely tough at present, but I love them! Lastly started with some rope skipping this week. Only done 2 sessions and could only manage about 8 minutes each time. But it is sooo much fun and a great calorie burner.

    Thus far it is only the taebo and skipping that had been able to push my heart rate into the peak zone, according to fitbit, so know they are working my cardiovascular system very hard!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Great job, looks like everything that you are doing is right in line with healthy living.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow you are doing great and the best part is you're making life changes.
  • leannamvaughan
    leannamvaughan Posts: 44 Member
    Great job! Thanks for sharing :smile:
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Lots of great victories, there !
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    I was going through some University photos today and found this one, (cropped my friends out for their privacy) and was shocked at the size I was. I never wanted to go close to a scale at that time (last year of uni (2012) - May at the Comrades marathon where we were working that year) but had to weigh in excess of 90 Kg's. (200 lbs). I started Mfp for the first time in January of 2013. And weighed myself the first time in almost a decade that February (think I weighed in at around 88 Kgs if I remember correctly). I went down to around 75 Kgs before life got in the way and I gained back to around 85 Kgs, when I started this January.

    Comparing that picture to the ones I took today (at 79 Kgs) just reinforces my strong desire to never look back and never go back there again. From here it is only forward! The scale has been quiet the last few weeks but cm's and other fitness goals have kept me smiling :smile:



  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    So, I'm still going strong with the change in lifestyle.

    I think the thing that has surprised me most about this time's "diet" is how smoothly thing are progressing! Cravings have been minimal, I've been able to hit close to my desired macros on most days, exercise is going good (except for current plantar fasciitis) and overall things are just good in general. I'm very glad that my sister and her husband who are on this journey with me are both staying motivated as well, which in turns motivates me to keep going!

    Weight has been steadily dropping, and I have dropped a pants size as well, which I'm thrilled about!

    Made a photo collage today to see my progress, and although there is not that big a difference to see as yet, I'm definitely able to notice some change in definition and tone in my core and arms, which I'm extatic about!

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Fantastic work Snipsa. You are right around the corner from 20 pounds lost in three months, that is a fantastic change.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    You look great!!!!!
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Great job!
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thank you all for the replies, I really appreciate it.

    These last two weeks I've been staying mostly in my calorie allowance (sometimes closer to maintenance than I'd like - but that was due to birthday parties) and have kept mostly to the exercise program. However weightloss has stalled at 75Kg since I hit it the 19th. I expected it in all honesty - it was a sudden woosh down to 75 from 77 in two days, so I knew I would be hanging around this weight for a while. Was fluctuating 75-76.5 for the last 10 days, and am back to 75 today, so hopefully will see a loss soon enough on the scale again.

    I am not discouraged however, as I took some more progress pics today, and am quite happy with how my back is progressing.

    Other than that, the only new news is that I joined a local gym yesterday and had a blast. Will be going there every second day or so, with focus on lifting, but some classes and cycling won't be out of the question...
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Looks like you are making excellent progress will some great losses and awesome exercise. As long as you eat within your cals and you change up your exercise regularly so your body doesn't become complacent you will hit 65kg before you know it
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    edited April 2016
    I felt I needed to update the journal today as I hit a success of sorts today. For the first time in my life I ran 20 minutes (without needing to walk) on the treadmill this morning. I ran 3.4 Km in 25 minutes (2.5 mins warmup and 2.5 mins cooldown), and the best part was that I felt I could still go on for a while, but time wouldn't allow it. I haven't been focussing on running during the past month, as I've been enjoying the stair climber, rower and of course lifting, a lot more, But was very impressed with what I could achieve this morning...

    Other than that I'm happy to report a weightloss of 2.2 Kg since my previous update - currently at 72.8Kg. It is a surreal feeling knowing I'm only 2.8 Kg from a "healthy" weight! 8 to 13 Kg away from my goal! It seemed unreachable at the start of the year.

    And I love the fact that I can truly say this is now my lifestyle. Counting calories and exercising is now as much a part of my life as breathing, working and family is!

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Snipsa wrote: »
    I felt I needed to update the journal today as I hit a success of sorts today. For the first time in my life I ran 20 minutes (without needing to walk) on the treadmill this morning. I ran 3.4 Km in 25 minutes (2.5 mins warmup and 2.5 mins cooldown), and the best part was that I felt I could still go on for a while, but time wouldn't allow it. I haven't been focussing on running during the past month, as I've been enjoying the stair climber, rower and of course lifting, a lot more, But was very impressed with what I could achieve this morning...

    Other than that I'm happy to report a weightloss of 2.2 Kg since my previous update - currently at 72.8Kg. It is a surreal feeling knowing I'm only 2.8 Kg from a "healthy" weight! 8 to 13 Kg away from my goal! It seemed unreachable at the start of the year.

    And I love the fact that I can truly say this is now my lifestyle. Counting calories and exercising is now as much a part of my life as breathing, working and family is!

    Way to go! Keep it up!
    I can really relate to the bolded. :)

    I look forward to your next update! :)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Really great job and I agree it becomes a lifestyle!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Awesome job on the 20 minute continuous running. I'm hoping to be able to share that same success soon. Great job on the continued weight loss, your goal weight is just right around the corner!
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    You're making wonderful progress! Thanks for sharing photos. I love having the visual of how everyone is changing. It's sometimes hard to imagine how x-number of kg or lbs would alter a person's appearance. Great job on the running too!
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    Firstly thanks for all the replies. I really appreciate each and every comment. I'm not very active in replies(mostly due to work commitments) and I started this journey mostly as a way for myself to keep track of progress, etc.

    I haven't lost a lot of weight since my last update (only 1.6Kg - currently at 71.2 Kg) but I realise as I get closer to goal the loss will slow down. I am still holding out a small amount of hope to get below 70Kg by May the 30th (my 30th birthday) but won't be discouraged if I don't reach it.

    I am extremely happy with the way training is going. I am slowly able to increase the weights I am training with (very slowly and nothing close to where I want to be - currently using 5-7Kg dumbbells and 15-22Kg barbells depending on the activities).

    Most proud of my stairmaster improvement. I started by only doing 3 minutes (less than 200 steps) almost a month ago. I am only doing stairs 1-2 times per week and was able to complete 15 minutes (over 800 steps) this morning. Slow pace, but still something I am really proud of and truly enjoying

    Will be completing a fun 5K tomorrow (color run) and am super psyched! It's the second 5K I'm doing, and although there will be little running involved (due to the very big crowd) I still can't wait for the fun! I did run my own 5K on the treadmill last week and was extremely happy to be able to run the whole way (although very slowly - 38 minutes).

    I am struggling to see a big difference in "clothed" photos. But can see a bit of a change in these. The one in the pinkish top was taken in December 15. The one in the creamish top was taken today


  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Great progress! You look great! Good luck on your run tomorrow! :)
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    All the little bits add up. You will reach your goal. Hope you had fun on the colour run. I too hope to do one of those one day. It will be a walk but hey still fun to do
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I can really see a difference! Your arms really look smaller plus your mid section too. Great work!!!!