
stamac79 Posts: 14 Member
Hi everyone,

Today is day two on the medication, and I am noticing some differences in the amount of food that I do actually need on my this in my head or the prescription working? Does it kick in that fast.


  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    Yes, I think it does. I'm on tanzeum (similar) and I noticed a difference by the next day.
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    Oh it definitely kicks in that fast.I'm on week 3 and was shocked (still am) at how fast and well it works.
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    edited February 2016
    My husband made a comment last night that he needs to adjust the amount of food he cooks since I'm eating remarkably less now. Yayz :D
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    My husband made a comment last night that he needs to adjust the amount of food he cooks since I'm eating remarkably less now. Yayz :D

    Good for you! I don't know if this will happen with saxenda, but with tanzeum (which is not an adjustable dose) the feeling full does lessen over time. I've noticed that sometimes I ignore it too. This is just my experience. I think it's good to really get used to that feeling now and know how to recognize it so you can keep it up later on! Congrats! Non Scale Victory FTW.
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    I hadn't really considered it a NSV. Just a drug induced effect.
    Although, I guess this a form of intuitive eating. Maybe if I do it enough on the medication I'll be able to once I'm off it.