
urstpsoshtup Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2016 in Social Groups
I'm 42 and 5' 1" I have about 20lbs to shed before I'm as fit as I like to be. I have always been interested in health and fitness since as early as I can remember. My dad was marathon running at one point in his life and I thought he was the coolest ever! I started running with him when I was 14. We lived in East Texas and had dirt roads and the beautiful country runs, literally right outside our front door. Being a nature lover as I am, my love affair with O' dark thirty runs began.

At 17 I started studying nutrition and had moved to the city. I started using VHS tapes to workout to at home. My weight and health stayed in check until I was 22. I started working with a boss who was morbidly obese. She wanted to go out to lunch everyday. She was buying and I loved food so we would dig in. Apps, main dish, dessert you name it. I gained about 35 pounds. I stopped working for her and started running again and decided to be a vegetarian. I immediately felt better and easily lost the weight. At the age of 25 I was as fit and strong as ever. I loved waking up in the early morning and running the hills by the lake. I loved eating clean and healthy. I loved lifting weights. I loved buying clothes, throwing them on and feeling fantastic.

I then married and started a family. My husband didn't want me to run when I was pregnant so I would just walk. I ate anything I wanted and gained 60 pounds.
I lost the weight but then had another baby and gained another 60 pounds. Then again and again. Now that our wonderful family is complete and our youngest is 8, tomorrow I am looking to be as muscular and slim as I can be.

During the last 7 years I have been really struggling. I know what to do and how to do it. But as every parent knows life is crazy with kids and they are a really good excuse to skip workouts and eat what's available. However, they are all in school now and I have the time and I'm not around kid food all day.

I've lost 7 pounds so far and feel better. It's time to burn the extra weight off and get my muscle mass back up to par.

My goal is to get there, maintain my health and fitness for the rest of my life.


  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Hello! How is everything going so far?

    I look forward to your next update! :)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    It's sounds like you have the knowledge that many of us don't have. You could give us some helpful hints. Look forward to hear about your progress.