
any one do laps at school on off periods?


  • amyb9685
    amyb9685 Posts: 17 Member
    I teach at a really small school. A few of the teachers walk about a block or so to eat lunch at the hospital down the road to get a great salad. Otherwise I only have one other 30min prep that I need for planning and such so I can leave right at 4:)
    Do you do laps during your free periods?
  • raulsgirl75
    raulsgirl75 Posts: 36 Member
    Yeah any time I have free . Been walking the steps also.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    That's not a bad idea! I've thought about doing some sort of mini-workout in my classroom during a planning period (I only have one for half a year due to block scheduling), but I thought that might be too weird if students walked by and could see me.*LOL* I have one coworker that does cardio DVDs on her projector a half hour after school lets out to avoid my concern. I actually don't mind having cafeteria duty at lunch, because I get to walk around for that.

  • raulsgirl75
    raulsgirl75 Posts: 36 Member
    There are several teachers in my school who throw on there tennis stand walk laps around the halls . The students pay no mind to it.
  • SallyJoT
    SallyJoT Posts: 29 Member
    Our school is trying to get a teacher walking program off the ground now. I hope I will be able to participate. Depends on schedules. But, I think it is a fabulous idea!
  • bandnerdtx
    bandnerdtx Posts: 7 Member
    I lap the building every single period to round up wayward children! ;)
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I just took my yoga mat into school this week. Although I don't get a planning period every semester or necessarily have free time, I figured that if the mat was in my room, there would be no excuse not to do a few planks, situps, or push-ups. I'll just do it in the back of the room, away from the window on my door. I don't want to look ridiculous to any student peeking in.*LOL*
