SOS Shout out Sundays 6/30/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
So what is going on with you guys this week?


  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I was pretty hard on myself today after I ran a 5K and I was about 8 minutes slower than my best. It was much hotter than it usually is when I run (it was 75-80 degrees) and I just felt terrible. Then I read online that people on average run a slower pace by about 2 minutes in hot weather. This helped me see there's a difference between not pushing myself enough mentally and reaching my physical limitations.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    If I were 6'5" I would be within weight limits for the U.S. Navy (Under 225).

    Now I just need to get that number down to around 5'11-6', where I usually measure (196lb and 201lb respectively).

    Edit: Oh yeah, and I can do a hanging pull-up now. Just one at a time, but it's better than none.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    Feeling blah. I am quite angry with my husband for many reasons and finding it difficult to think on whatever is lovely, pure... I foolishly thought that when I lost weight that it would improve our relationship. Not to say that we have a bad one but there is room for improvement. It would be really nice if my husband would join me in this good health journey. Sorry, I am having a pity party. Give me a few minutes and I will be myself again.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Lisa, you can't force him on your journey. He needs to make his own. Don't push him. Just do your own thing and be excited about it. Exuberance tends to bring interest from others. Maybe he'll start on his own when he sees how happy you are with your own journey?
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    Lisa, what aakaakaak said is true. My family is finally on board (the past year) after I spent seven years of watching what I ate and exercising, being excited about every hurtle I managed to overcome, and getting rid of 60 pounds. But it was their decision. When they were ready, they started picking up my fitness mags and asking questions.

    It's pretty fun now with little competitions here and there. In fact, we are starting one with our weigh-in tomorrow morning. Each of us is to lose four pounds in July. I have the same competition going with three co-workers. For some, the four pounds will be easier, for me, since I only have five pounds to lose, it might be a little tougher, but it's the spirit of the journey that will be fun. We will compare calories consumed and calories burned.

    Hang in there. Stay excited about what you are doing, where you have been, and where you are going! You are in charge!

    Have a great Sunday!

  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Edit: Oh yeah, and I can do a hanging pull-up now. Just one at a time, but it's better than none.

    YOU dang gone straight it is better then nothing! You didn't do it before and now you can! WOOOO HOOO!O
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ok, I don't mean to gross ya'll out but I went to a BBQ with bestie yesterday and my stomach erupted today. I just don't eat rich food anymore so I died today and so weak...did nothing this evening! Nada!
    I am usually very picky about foods but my friend said her good and it was but I think she used full fat everything because that is when my stomach erupts when folks use a lot of butter and grease and oils in foods!
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Ok, I don't mean to gross ya'll out but I went to a BBQ with bestie yesterday and my stomach erupted today. I just don't eat rich food anymore so I died today and so weak...did nothing this evening! Nada!
    I am usually very picky about foods but my friend said her good and it was but I think she used full fat everything because that is when my stomach erupts when folks use a lot of butter and grease and oils in foods!

    Think on the positive side. At least it didn't stay in your system long enough to fully digest! :wink:

    Just kidding. Hope you feel better soon. Once you're all cleaned out your body should get back to normal.