Rose's Journal

Options most of you here I am "again" BUT this time to stay. I am SO sick of looking the way I do. Won't get into how old I am cause no one ever believes me any how they say I'm only 40. Lol I have a son older then 40. I don't feel my age nor do I act it :smile: I go line dancing I go to the gym and try to stay as active as possible. My problem is "eating healthy" BUT I have started doing so snd have taken off 3 pounds since doing so. I kniw that's not a lot but hwy it's a start right? I'm 6 Starbuck Frappuccino away from Diabetes. My hubbie he will always say "Hey I feel like a Starbucks you want one" When I tell him no he's like "Okay just forget it then" Really?! How bout some support here. But my will power has been awesome like today.....I work as a nurse. I'm on lunch and there's this AMAZING chocolate cake over cross the room I know calling my name. It's a stressful day like you wouldn't believe so I walked over there right PAST the lovely looking cake and got me a yogurt. It's all about not giving into temptation. If I can do it anyone can. My Daughter has lots if great healthy recipes and I have been making those. I have been going to the gym daily. If for some reason I can't make it to the gym I use Dailyburn. Yes...I am using a pre workout supplement (which most I am against but I love this one) But again it's all about not giving into temptation. Let's do this. My goal weight to get down to is 190 which is losing 50 lbs. Doesn't Sound LIKE alot BUT as we get older it's so hard to take off. Eventually I'd like to get back down to my 138 even though my husband said I was to damn skinny. (If I was to damn skinny why did you marry me? Just sayin) But add is as friend if you would like and we can be fitness/weight loss buds


  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    You have a great attitude about improving your health. Good job walking past the cake. :smile:
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Yes walking by the cake would be hard for me. I haven't had any sugary foods since December 31st. I don't know how to add friends, but I also started with fifty pounds to lose. I'm a good cheerleader :smile: