Day 27 02/06/2016

helensingssongs Posts: 202 Member
edited February 2016 in Social Groups
Welcome to the weekend. I deserve it and I know you do too. Hit the wall on Thursday. Life got too busy for too long and now I ache as if I had actually gone the class on Friday. while I hit the chocolate stash last night it was with in the calorie limit and pre planned.
Today I want to do some serious meal planning and pre logging. At least 10 days hopefully two weeks worth.
My allotment is calling if the rain stays away. If it doesn't then boring boring chores like cleaning the mould off the ceiling and getting insurance. So much rather be out side playing in the soil.
Today I am celebrating the stone I have lost since joining MFP. It doesn't feel like it as this time last year I had lost 2.5 stone. But I will celebrate because I am back on it and will win.
After the trials of last week I wish you all a peaceful and happy day <3


  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,201 Member
    The last few weeks, I've done extremely well even though my weight hasn't dropped a lot. A couple days ago TOM arrived after NOT having it since Sept. I thought I was actually NOT going have one again, but noooo, :'(:'(:'( So today my body really aches, ugh!

    We're spending to day at my daughters for my grand daughter's first birthday. So not going to get execise done but actually my body is okay with that, ;);) so my game plan is to just watch what I eat, stay under my calorie gaol.

    Today's goals
    1. Under calorie goal
    2. No late night snacking
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!
    Good job focusing on the positives @helensingssongs!!
    Have lots of fun at the party @GrandmaJackie !!!
    The weekend is upon us and I'm now ready for some relaxation. Yesterday was good but I was so insanely busy I didn't even have time for my workout. I woke up today and got it done in the morning :)
    I'm focused on my weekend challenge of keeping calories in the green, plenty of water and all the basics.
    Let's make this Saturday fabulous!!!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! This is a chore weekend, hubby got the kitchen painted so once it dries, it's getting a good cleaning. Need to catch up up the housework as I have let it slide the last couple of weeks with the kitchen being dismantled. No excuse now. Lol

    Today's goals:
    Barre class - done
    Lower body strength training - done
    Keep calories low through day so I can have DQ later. :smile:
    Try to keep up my water
    Good nights rest
  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    Yesterday needed rest day
    Today 5k and HIT done. I joined a challenge. Weigh in was today. So while I thought I had 8 lbs to get to my final goal it's looking more like 18 lbs. But I am dusting myself off and I am proud I stayed in the decade I started with this challenge. I feel so strong and loose in my muscles and all my clothes fit great but....the scale is moving away instead of towards my goal.

    So time to re-focus and head for some body confusion. I am staying in it!!!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Had a great day today my daughter visited. It was even better was I came home from a rotten day to find her home and it cheered me up.

    I stayed within my calories as my daughter ate my dinner so I had to eat what she left behind. LOL Oh well I'm just glad she came to visit.