Jenny's Journey

JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
Start date weight 261.2 pounds 2/7/16


  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Hi Jenny! Feel free to post anything you want to share about your progress. Welcome to the group!
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks Jillian! Bear with me while I try to figure out how to "post" and "thread" LOL.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    You've now done both already. :smile:
    This thread is just for you... And anyone who wants to respond and cheer you on, and you can do the same for others on their own thread.
  • emshields1
    emshields1 Posts: 208 Member
    Jenny welcome to the group!
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks guys!! :)
    positive notes - super bowl Sunday and I kept food portion sizes down, my calorie count broke even. also walked 30 minutes outdoors.
    My goal this week is 5 -30 minute walks, 2- 15 minute arm circuit exercises (frozen shoulders and healing plantar fasciitis) To just get started moving after being bed/chair bound for over 8 months. Total de-conditioned and quickly put on my last 30 pounds during that period. I also need to start stretching and will add to post walk.
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Yesterday completed 1 mile walk, attempted to do another walk later but my legs seized up shortly after starting so I turned around and went home. Guess it's too soon to push this- extremely steps for now. I need to accept where I am starting from and stop beating myself up for getting here in the first place. I will be working on my headspace with daily meditation. (If anyone is reading this I highly recommend (Jon Gabriel)The Gabriel Method - 21 day meditations and/or his free AM/PM meditation for weight loss. They assist in dealing with the underlying issues related to carrying extra weight.) I did good with calorie intake, though goal to improve the quality of food choices. I know better planning will improve my results.

    Today's goals: walk 1 mile, stretching session, meditation, drink water(!), 1500 calories.
    Week goal: menu planning and grocery shop, balance of pushing self vs too much too soon- find the sweet spot.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    Good job setting goals for yourself. Sounds like you have a plan to follow through on.
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Yesterday's goals met, yay! Consistency is the plan so need to repeat today. Also get my measurement stats posted.
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    So far so good. I have completed my 5 workouts this week any extra will just keep the momentum going but no pressure. Staying under my calorie goals. Planned my meals first and then grocery shopped- so much less stress than trying to figure out meals on the fly or when your hungry! I do need ideas on better snacks. Completed my measurements- will post with Sunday's new goals and weigh-in.
    Really, really need more stretching and functional movements in my plan.
    Rest day today, going for a massage and spa day with my friend.
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    I did ok yesterday. My day of rest. Water goal met, was meeting my food goal until middle of night sleep eating binge related to ambien use. Something I am working on as it didn't start until after several major life events ( death, moving out of state, new job, new house bought, physical health problems, then loss of job...and stress, anxiety, depression, lost confidence...) Hence the disconnect mind/body/ spirit and with meditation, healthy diet and activity, self-love and compassion and giving and receiving support from others hope to rebuild, renovate, reinvent a better way of living.
    Today's plan is get that 1 mile walk in, improve my stretching, meet my food and water goals, give positive support to others on their journey and to finish out this first week strong and positive.
    See you tomorrow at the weigh in all
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/7/16 start wt 261.2
    Bust 47.5"
    Midriff 42"
    Waist 51"
    Hips 57"
    R/L thigh 26.5" (R/L pones 33")
    R calf 16.5"
    L calf 16.25"
    Neck 14.25"

    2/14/16 week 1 wt 257.0. (-4.2) ☺️

    Week 2 goals: increase walk to 1.5 miles x 5, start 30 day plank challenge, improve stretching, meet water/calorie goals and meditation daily.

    ???woke up to Chocolates and a chocolate cake from significant other for valentines....seriously.
  • arnottr3
    arnottr3 Posts: 88 Member
    You're doing great! I read above what you have gone threw. I've lost someone too recently and moved. Stress, anziety ,depression you name it. Exercise has been saving me. Takes your mind off things for a little bit. As much as it can anyway. You can do it. All in time :)
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Walking, upper/lower body exercises, plank challenge day 2 completed.

    And I did not crush my cat accidentally - he wanted to work out with me. Lol
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Walking, food/ calorie goals met
    plank challenge day 3 is a rest day- I completed that too, lol
    Today I will be going out for dinner, drinks....will be choosing wisely is the plan.
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    Day 4 plank challenge done, missed Day 5...will do today. Over on calories yesterday and my evening out exhausted me the next day so I "rested" yesterday. Getting back on track today- a brand new shiny day☀️ Plan: exercise circuit, walk, meet hydration and calorie goals.
  • JBsJazz
    JBsJazz Posts: 159 Member
    2/07/15 Start wt #261.2
    2/14/15 Week 2- #257
    2/21/15 Week 3- #256

    For me these first few weeks are about starting slow and easy to start moving again consistently. I think I am accomplishing that goal completing 5 days per week of walking, light stretching. I am gradually increasing the total time and intensity of my walking, adding upper/lower body exercises 2x per week.
    My diet needs improvement and working on it toward something I could eventually make a lifestyle and not "dieting". Portion control.

  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That's great that you're easing into movements and working towards a lifestyle change. That kind of thinking and planning will prove to be valuable decisions.
  • emshields1
    emshields1 Posts: 208 Member
    Wow great job!!!!