Christine's Road to find herself!



  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Thank You <3
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I love your statement that you're finding a new life for yourself. This is what I am trying to do, not by choice but because of circumstance. I too am battling depression and it's not easy and you can't understand unless you've been there and even then people are different.

    I think in my opinion that you are in your way and doing ok. You looking within and figuring out what triggers you and how to fix. That's more than most people ever do.

    Keep going I think you're on the right track. Look forward to your posts.
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Had a great evening. Went to the gym did a 30 min walk/trot 7 incline 3.5 pace. It was good to get the heart pumping...then used the leg machines until I felt like rubber, finished off with a 15 min sauna session. Drank more than my fill of liquids which was a plus for me. Woke up to a 3lb loss which got me even more pumped for the day.

    Today is Aqua Zumba, I have every intention on making it this evening. I just need to get thru a dreaded work lunch. I sit around with a bunch of important people, feeling out of place, with fatty foods. I will be mindful and make the est choices possible. At least with this agenda I received a menu to choose from House Salad with Balsamic Dressing, Chicken Francaise or Walnut Crusted Salmon. I picked the chicken because of a severe nut allergy. I just need to stay away from the bread baskets so I don't mindlessly eat because I feel uncomfortable.

    Hope everyone is well. Cheers to a good, positive day!!!
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Today is a crazy day this is for sure....woke up late...forgot my protein shaker at home so have nadda to eat at work except one yogurt and coffee. So we will see how this day progresses...I already want it over with, people are just being very nasty and cranky today...or maybe it is just me because I forgot my meals. Just another day in my life....
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    CMR i get you. As someone who has been on the depression/overeating/gaining weight cycle for over 20 years i understand. As was said before, You are very self aware and that is half the battle. So many people go through life blaming everything but themselves for the choices they make and never get off the treadmill. We are making changes one day at a time. Some days we hop back on that treadmill and thats ok. It's a security blanket thats been with us for a while. The important thing is that we choose to get off and keep going with making new habits and new memories. ONe step at a time hon. From where im sitting you're doing awesome. Keep at it
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Good advice khatmott :)
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    @khatmott Thank You!!! I know I am too hard on myself. A very bad hab


    I can say I had a very busy kids around...I was go go go.. not sure if it was all the activity or what but this morning i woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck. Every bone hurts...hands are swollen...and fingers are so swollen I feel as if the skin will burst. I know it is water retention but ughh it was a horrid to awake to a 7lb gain on the scale for no reason. I know there is no way I could have gained 7lbs in 2 days its just a mental my mind means no progress. I am quickly sipping away at 64oz of water hoping this helps matters.

    I am going to the gym this evening with my son...who I made a deal with. If I pay for his student membership at the gym he will be my personal trainer. The boy is ripped..guess his year round football training helps with that but now its time to help Momma a bit. So this I am excited about. I do know however he will push push push me...which is good.

    I started my packing list for vacation...32 days until I am in an all inclusive paradise for 10 days. Tried on a few dresses that my body needs to be a little bit more in shape for, so we will see how that goes.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    What a great team you will make. You are lucky to have someone in your family that can help you.
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    I honestly never even thought about it...he does his normal lifting/gym routine in school every day. Then last night at supper I mentioned I needed a trainer but didn't have the $$$. He played lets make a deal. I think the $20 a month is well worth it and the savings of $140 a week the trainers at our gym want is a tremendous savings!!!!!!!!
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    Wheeewww.... Happy Tuesday everyone. Had somewhat of a good day yesterday...still fell very bloated from sodium. Then my trainer AKA Son whipped my butt at the gym last night...I dared to walk into the big boy section of the gym. I didnt feel so out of place with him by my side which was good. He showed me all sorts of good stuff which I am really really feeling today. So obviously I am doing something right. I know that this is only the beginning. He has a task to help Momma get into shape and I don't think he is going to let me rest for a second.

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    yay well done to your son for getting you in shape. How awesome is that. Quality time and getting fit too. You are going to rock those dresses on the cruise
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Sounds like your doing great. I also wanted to say how sorry I am about your fiancé. I should have put that in my response on my journal. You know how people say things to you that kinda hurts. I didn't want to go there, because words can't describe how bad it hurts and no one can make it go away. Just wanted to say thanks for your support.

    I love that your son is helping you. You have a great evening.