Fitbit Calories Burned

can someone explain this cuz i am confused by what it means?
Fitbit Calories Burned (based on 712 calories burned as of 9:58 am) 1734
My Fitness Pal Calories Burned 1750
Fitbit Calorie Adjustment -16

where do the numbers 1734 and 1750 come from? i get the adjustment comes from subtracting the two but i dont understand where the 2 main numbers come from, like how do they know


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    1,734 is how much Fitbit estimated you have burned based on your steps. 1,750 is how much MFP estimated you would burn on an average day given the information you provided during set-up (age, gender, weight, activity level).
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Slight correction - 1734 is how much MFP thinks you'll burn for the whole day based on the 712 calories that Fitbit says you burned so far today. So, MFP takes the raw number from Fitbit and projects the rest of the day (based I think on your MFP settings) from that.

    That means that you generally start the day with a negative adjustment. The higher your MFP activity setting, the more negative it will be. However, it will become positive pretty soon unless you have an unusually inactive day.
  • breeze_brat
    breeze_brat Posts: 65 Member
    thanks so much jane and Nancy :)