


  • scarycheri72
    scarycheri72 Posts: 9 Member
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    17lbs and 6 inches off of my waist, friends!!
  • nhywd808
    nhywd808 Posts: 6 Member
    That is awesome! Congrats!
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    nhywd808 wrote: »
    That is awesome! Congrats!

  • fredtrena
    fredtrena Posts: 2 Member
    Started Wednesday 3/2, I'm hoping to see awesome results too. Glad to see you all are successful! Congrats! Do you all exercise and purposely diet or watch calories?
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    fredtrena wrote: »
    Started Wednesday 3/2, I'm hoping to see awesome results too. Glad to see you all are successful! Congrats! Do you all exercise and purposely diet or watch calories?

    Congratulations on starting! It seems that no two experiences are exactly alike. Personally, I find it difficult to eat too many calories. My meals have shrunk in size significantly. Instead of one, or two, pieces of pizza with 4 chicken wings, on a Friday night, I have one piece of pizza and that's it. Now, I even feel too full off of one piece of pizza! I still eat many of the same foods I used to. Pizza aside, I generally eat quite healthy. Pizza is just what we have as an easy meal on Fridays.
    I am also buying an ellipitcal/bike off of Kijiji. That said, I haven't started any type of exercise yet.

    To give you an idea of my exact progress, I am 32 5'5 starting weight for Saxenda was 225.7 and my current weight is 207.0. I started February 4th.
  • lulufilippelli
    lulufilippelli Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There
    I started last week, just increased to 1.2 yesterday. I am finding I don't have alot of energy anyone else experience this.?
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    I am at 3.0 and I find that I can push through it. I definitely need my sleep at night, unlike before. However, if I drink water I do feel a bit better. I'm about to add some resistance cardio to my day, I'll let you know if that helps out!
  • cejohnson81
    cejohnson81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! Just had a quick question. I have been on the 0.6 dosage for 5 days now. On the first day taking the medication, I started feeling like I was getting a cold that afternoon. My "cold" has gotten worse and worse and I'm absolutely miserable today. I'm wondering if it has any link at all to starting saxenda or if its just a coincidence. Has anyone experience cold/allergy symptoms besides me?
  • lingle12
    lingle12 Posts: 4 Member
    Day 23...titrated up to the 2.4 dose. Experiencing the worst side effects to date. Energy is better but burping and nausea have been pretty bad. I may stay at this dose two weeks. I am down 7 lbs from my start on saxenda on February 15,2016 and 17.5 since September 2015. I exercise four times a week (circuit train, spin, walk-run) and consistently around 1200-1500 calories per day. I have a 158 day streak going on MFP currently. I am about 20 from my goal wt so am hopeful. Under the care of my endocrinologist . BCBS approved four month trial coverage after a long appeal process but if these results hold steady I shouldn't have any trouble with continued coverage. I pay 30/month with the discount card.
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! Just had a quick question. I have been on the 0.6 dosage for 5 days now. On the first day taking the medication, I started feeling like I was getting a cold that afternoon. My "cold" has gotten worse and worse and I'm absolutely miserable today. I'm wondering if it has any link at all to starting saxenda or if its just a coincidence. Has anyone experience cold/allergy symptoms besides me?

    It sounds like it could be a coincidence. A bit of nausea would make sense, but, not a cold.

    As for me, I've officially lost over 20lbs since starting Saxenda on February 4th. I have lost 7 inches off of my waist, from 42 inches to 35 inches. I had blood work done and my Doctor said that it isn't hurting me at all! Perfect blood work means I get to continue on this wicked, awesome, path! I had an NSV of being able to put on brand new regular sized calf boots! I have bought wide calf for so long. Just over 5lbs until ONEDERLAND. I am almost allowing myself to get excited. As soon as I see a #1 before my weight, that's when I decided I would get really excited about this drug!

  • Kbuhl64
    Kbuhl64 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2016
  • Acacia2India
    Acacia2India Posts: 446 Member
    edited March 2016
    How are things going @ChrissyB4848 ??
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    edited March 2016
    How are things going @ChrissyB4848 ??

    I'm down to 203.6 from my original 225.7! I've lost almost 8 inches off of my waist alone and a lot of my measurements are impressive. I've come a long way from 268, 20 months ago. Saxenda is really impressing me. I'm constantly going down. I'm still having a difficult time eating all of my allotted calories for the day. I'm taking vitamins to make sure I am not losing out on anything. My portion sizes are quite small. I'm so close to under 200, it's difficult to hold back from pushing myself there too quickly. I have started using an elliptical at night and I am on pins and needles waiting on a weight machine that my in laws are giving us. People are starting to notice, but I almost want to be a hermit until I've lost another 20lbs.

    How are you doing?
  • mommytim110
    mommytim110 Posts: 3 Member
    Started 6 days ago and I'm down 10 pounds from 287. I haven't started to increase my activity yet but with the weather becoming nicer it's next on my list.
    No nausea. No hunger after lunch. I am Super thirsty.
  • ChrissyB4848
    ChrissyB4848 Posts: 87 Member
    Started 6 days ago and I'm down 10 pounds from 287. I haven't started to increase my activity yet but with the weather becoming nicer it's next on my list.
    No nausea. No hunger after lunch. I am Super thirsty.

    Way to go!! I find that I am much more thirsty too!
  • stamac79
    stamac79 Posts: 14 Member
    Help Needed, feeling discouraged. :(

    I haven't been loosing, actually i haven't lost for 3 weeks now, last week I started to increase my activity, and this week I am following a much stricter meal plan. I started saxenda Jan 29th and I am only down 15 lbs.

    At least I haven't been eating the kids chocolates....normally I would be eating 4-5 mini eggs every time I walked by the bowl...I think I had 4-5 mini eggs all weekend long!

    Fingers crossed with the activity increase and eating better this week I will knock of a pound or two!
  • KC5115
    KC5115 Posts: 70 Member
    I am excited to see yall doing so well!

    I was working out ALL THE TIME and took off about 14 pounds in 9 months. I moved and changed my whole life and now I gained back about 8 of that.

    I wanted to try this because I love working out but it was really all I did. I am hoping to gain a little more balance in my life. Plus I hit the weight loss and got stuck. I wasn't budging in inches or pounds and got pretty discouraged.

    I am over a 30 in BMI so I was able to be prescribed for it. Here's to hoping for results!
  • stamac79
    stamac79 Posts: 14 Member
    How many of us are on the full 3.0 dose? I have found that I felt better and ate less at the1.8 and 2.4 doses. is this me being crazy and over thinking things or has this happened to anyone else?