July 4th FOODS! Make your own! 7/1/2013

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Please please do NOT do what WW ignorant self did...make your own foods! I have not eaten full fatty foods in years. I went to a BBQ this past weekend and ate the side dishes...my stomach is paying for it.
So, that said rethink your 4th of July BBQ! Eat what you like but your own versions! Make them healthy! YOU can do it!


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Well, won't be too exciting food wise for me, no grill so I don't get to cook out (we're not allowed to use grills in my condo association because of the fire risk), the one friend that usually invites me to 4th of July cookout has decided to do a Middle Eastern themed 4th instead of a traditional 4th, so decided not to go to that (I'm sorry, but 4th of July is one of those holidays that I feel like it should be traditional fare, plus too much risk of food I can't eat due to food allergies), so don't know what I'm going to do (probably sit at home and hope there's something good on tv) and my food will be my regular same old same old (although I do have some watermelon salad that I made yesterday so I will have at least that)
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I don't have any plans for the 4th, but if I did I'd be looking at getting turkey burgers instead of bubba burgers. Their nutritional density is so much better.

    If you have a southern family then you should really just straight up eat the greens, even if they're covered in fat. There are just so many nutrients in it.

    ...and on the bad side of the fence...

    I had a dream last night about maple bacon apple pie with a maple bacon weave top and a rendered bacon fat lard for the crust.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Ackx3! That dream of your's sounds wild! I can't imagine bacon for a top crust weave! I think Apples and bacon would be good together for a yummy spinach salad --- but a pie!

    My girls are here - we'll probably do chicken and maybe I can talk them all into greens. I'm the only one who loves cooked greens! None of them know what they are missing by not eating freshed cooked greens! As far as other food s- I prefer fruit salads over macroni and since we are suppose to be eating all this fat, well, we could probably have all kinds of stuff so long as it wasn't pasta or potatos. I don't really care though.

    The Fourth has never been about food for me - it's all about swimming or bicycling and fireworks. Being in such a big metro area, we have a list of fireworks to see. Don't know which one's we'll go to this year. Downtown on the 3rd probably, and maybe stay home for the 4th or up to Boulder. We'll see. But a bike ride in the morning for sure.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    I'm making watermelon salsa for one party and will take veggie burgers to the other one.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,475 Member
    My daughter, her b'friend and their puppy will come over for BBQ chicken, fruit, and a big green salad. I put all the salad ingredients (radishes, boiled eggs, asparagus, peas, corn, beets, avocados) in small bowls, and each person can create their own salad. I might have sherbert for dessert.
