Day 33 02/12/2016

Council of war
The plan is not working. I am failing to set it correcteclty and implementation is not consitant. Resulting in failure to post and bad food choices. There are reasons. These are irrelevant. Just life as we know it.
I may not always be the captain of my soul. But I am the Supream Comander of the army of Helen and I will be obeyed.


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Good morning!

    TGIF and a long weekend coming up! I need it after this week.

    I hit my goals yesterday. Feeling a little under the weather, but doing better today. Glad I'll have some extra time to rest up this weekend.

    @helensingssongs - if this was easy, everyone would do it. What matters the most is not perfection, its that we keep trying. The only way to truly fail is to give up entirely. Even those of us that have been doing this for a long time have had our periods of stalls due to inconsistency. I didn't lose practically anything for a good 4-5 months because I wasn't logging accurately and I knew it. But I needed the break and now I'm losing again (slowly, but that's on purpose). The only way to fail is to give up entirely.

    Goals for today:
    1. stay within calories
    2. 12k steps
    3. Rest!!
  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    @helensingsongs - let the battle continue!! I am right there with ya battling back!

    Yesterday - A plus
    Today - my body needs a break was planning another 5K before cold weekend..but I need to listen and my legs say no.sooo...

    Work out of day - strength and mobility - 30 minutes
    Walk at lunch - no running!
    Water, water, water
    Low Carb Day.

  • deejkush
    deejkush Posts: 116 Member
    @helensingssongs , your words ring true for me too! I like the battle analogy, and we have to remember that if we beat ourselves up for mistakes, then we are in no shape to do battle!
    Yesterday was sucky. But it's over. And now today my goals are: DO NOT EAT THE JUNK that students bring for the Valentine's party. (ugh) I guess that's pretty much the whole goal for the day. I can do it. Have a fantastic Friday, everyone. I am so glad you are here.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Hubby has issued his orders I am to go to work and come straight home we are getting a storm and I am not to stay over no matter what. LOL No this time i will really listen I don't want to get stuck at work nor do I want to get stuck out on the road. Always error on the side of safety I'll pack up clothes just in case I end up at work.

    Valentine's day goodies You can always pass it on to the custodial staff I'm sure they don't get appreciated. ;) My sister worked with the severe and profound in her school district she also never had any treats. I'm sure she would have loved if another coworker at the end of the day would have stopped by with a cookie or a cupcake.

    Today's goals
    1.exercise properly
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    @helensingssongs, I can feel your frustration. I too am in the same boat this week, my weight is up and I was on target with the exception of yesterday. which brought another increase this morning. Sigh, its not easy or as SingRunTing says everyone would do it.
    But as everyone says, we only fail if we give up, and that is not the plan. It is a life long path with many obstacles and ups n downs. Battle on!!

    Today's goal
    Active rest day - 35 mins of swimming done
    stay within calories
    drink lots of water
    good night's sleep
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good morning everyone!!!
    War council is in session @helensingssongs :smile:
    I'm happy you began by saying "the plan" isn't working. That's the truth. We can create, find and buy many perfect plans. The only plans that are good are those that we can follow, those that are flexible and compatible with our lives. While on this life long journey, it's ok to have different priorities for a while, it's ok to mess up, it's ok to take maintenance vacations. There is no straight line to success and as long as you are in the race you can't ever loose.
    You can always start a new plan and really focus on the small permanent changes that you can sustain for the rest of your life!

    Yesterday was a great day for me! We went to "the weights store"- as my daughter named it :) - and found my 25's and I was supper excited to also pick up a barbell pad. Finally, I don't have to fear cracking my pelvis when doing heavy glute bridges :) my workout was great, and food was to right where I wanted it.
    I'm resting today so my plan is very basic: chin-ups, water, walk, nutrition.
    Let's make this Friday fabulous!!!
  • helensingssongs
    helensingssongs Posts: 202 Member
    Thank guys. I really appreciate the support.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,307 Member
    edited February 2016
    @helensingssongs, you can do this, this not more to say, EVERYONE hit the nail on the head!!!!!
    " We can create, find and buy many perfect plans. The only plans that are good are those that we can follow, those that are flexible and compatible with our lives. While on this life long journey, it's ok to have different priorities for a while, it's ok to mess up, it's ok to take maintenance vacations. There is no straight line to success and as long as you are in the race you can't ever loose.
    You can always start a new plan and really focus on the small permanent changes that you can sustain for the rest of your life!"

    Friday the scale really was nice down 1.5 pounds but back up .5 pounds, lol. Bring on the battle, :)
    Today's goals:
    1. Morning Run / Evening Walk
    2. Aqua fit
    3. Kettlebell DVD - Cardio
    4. Valentine shopping