July goals



  • fglover84
    fglover84 Posts: 8
    Hi I am also new to the group. My name is Fiona.

    My goals for July are:

    1. do SL 3x a week. Consistency is key as they say.
    2. increase my weights and work on form.
    3. be ready to do a 10k with obstacles called Total Warrior by the end of the month (3rd Aug).
    4. do hill sprints at least once a week.
    5. no body weight goals, just be fitter and stronger than I was before.
  • toque88
    toque88 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm not new to the group, but I've been away for awhile due to medical reasons. sigh...

    My StrongLIfts 5X5 goals for July is to start back up this month, starting with today and get er' done 3 times a week. I also see a personal trainer and when I was keeping up with my SL 5X5, he could tell!

    Anyone know if the SL 5X5 app is done for Android? I heard Mendhi was working on one...
  • xxempress
    xxempress Posts: 122
    I need to stay mentally disciplined with my diet. It's been terrible these past 2 weeks with the binging & lame excuses I've been making.

    #1 - LOVE myself
    #2 - clean up my diet
    #3 - drop 10lbs
    #4 - continue SL. Currently going into my forth week.
    Today's lifts: Squat 180lbs OHP 75lbs Deadlifts 225lbs

    Lets make dem gains, ladies!!!!
  • sgtkate
    sgtkate Posts: 1
    I'm new to the group but this is my second go at SL. The first time I injured my knee due to terrible squat form at around 40kg. I'd been cheating, leading with my butt when pushing back up on the squat, not going anywhere near parallel etc. totally focussed on the numbers increasing and not on getting good technique and I suffered for it.

    So I'm on round 2 and this time my partner is working out with me so I get shouted at if I start 'cheating'. Good motivation as well. But I'm struggling a lot this time in particular with the squats and it's getting me down.

    My goals for this month:

    - Get over my plateau on the squats - stuck at just 30kg :(
    - Bench 35kg
    - OHP 20kg - Would love to be able to OHP the olympic bar this would be a good good moment
    - D/L - 50kg
    - Row - 35kg

    I am really struggling with my squats. I started them at 15kg as I have had a series of knee injuries so i have poor muscle conditioning in my thighs. I've totally plateaued already at just 30kg. I've deloaded once down to 25kg and started up again I failed again yesterday at 30kg. Anyone else got stuck? And what did you do to overcome it?

    Just to add I'm 5ft7 tall and weigh about 8st8 so i'm quite skinny. I've never been strong at all and have always struggled to put weight on. i'm doing this program to finally get some muscle and some shape to my figure before I plan on having kids next year.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Hey! Been a while. Lots of crazy non-fitness stuff to recover from. Still not ready to lift, The current plan is to:
    Bike Daily for the rest of the summer.
    Try to best my pace every time out.
    Add in swimming at least on the weekends.
    Do PT like I'm sposed to, starting next week.
    Get back to lifting with good form when the rains start.
  • nanfromcruz
    nanfromcruz Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! Just joined this group and started doing SL on July 8th. Love, love, love it! HOWEVER, just got % body fat tested and am at 33.5% (unhealthy on their chart - ooops). So many suggestions on how to lower fat that I thought just go back to MY Fitness Pal and be directed by this groovy site.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Squat 175
    Bench 110
    Rows 110
    OHP 90
    DL - 210

    All goals are 3x5 with good form other than DL.

    Other - Order and read the 5/3/1 book; consider Nia Shanks workouts. This has been my goal for the past 2 months and I have to get my act together.
    Cardio - Get back to trail running in a couple weeks, or at least keep up with doing something active at least 3 days a week.

    OK, it's just about the end of the month, so I guess I will update. I missed most of these goals since I had sort of a de-load couple weeks while I tried out the 5/3/1 before I switched to Texas. 5/3/1 isn't for me at this point, although buying and reading the book was the one goal I achieved!

    Bench - 2 reps @ 120
    OHP -1x5 @90 at the beginning of the month; currently 4x5@85. I'm attempting a 1RM @ 100 on Friday!
    DL. 3 reps @205 yesterday.
    Squats - I think my "heavy" workout day will be 1x5@175 on Friday, so we'll see how that goes.
    Rows are not a priority at this point--I'm considering them to be an assistance exercise that I'll do occasionally.

    Cardio - haven't been trail running. I went kayaking a few times last week; I've taken some long walks and generally trying to do stuff other than sit around.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hm. we have a 10th wedding anniversary trip to Barcelona in the middle of the month (just me and the huz, woo!), so that will be a tricky time as the in-laws are coming to look after the kids so I suspect I might have an enforced rest week (boo!)..

    Can't believe I've been lifting for almost 4 months and I am -still- loving it, still loathing the idea of steady state cardio!


    1. LOG - I'm getting better at this but it's very easy to slide if something is unloggable rather than giving it my best shot, and once I start sliding that fecking fat girl in my head gets very loud..


    2. Continue with the HIIT on the bike after each lifting session, and start adding in some finishers (time at gym permitting, this is the big thing holding it back, it's creeping up even with 3x5 to about an hour lifting..).

    HIIT yes, nothing else though

    3. I'd LOVE to hit 60kg on my squat. I'm working up in baby steps doing 3x6. I did 52.5kg 3x6 last time, my app says I should be doing 55kg but although I've been there before I think I'm going to break out the fractionals.. which is so hard..

    I haven't had weight goals for a couple of months on here, so this is all with the usual get-out clauses!

    4. Hit 90kg 1x5 deadlift. I'm at 75, and this might be a step to far but I've done a single rep there, I know it is possible!

    5. I'd love to hit 40kg bench press but suspect that might be a goal for August..

    6. OHP. Hm. OHP. Keep going with the fractionals until I turn into a BAMF! No weight goals except for 'more'!

    7. Pendlays.. something seems to have clicked here, last time felt good at 40kg so I'll shoot for 45kg 3x5 with good form by the end of the month.

    Never hit 60kg squats, did a massive deload and building back up..

    so, generally, nada. However I'm back at it, and I'm sure despite the holiday in a couple of weeks (another week off!!) I'll still be plugging away at the gym 3x/week otherwise... bring on August!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    1. Workout according to schedule (3X per week), unless we take that trip, in which case I won't try to train while we're gone.

    2. Listen to my body and do not overtrain myself again, 'cause that sux.

    3. Lose 5 pounds.

    Hmmm... yes!! I did all of these things! Hooray!!