SL 5x5 plus cardio

ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
does anyone incorporate cardio into the program? If so, do you find it affects your progress on the weights?

I remember reading on the website where he says NOT to do cardio on off days...however I do truly enjoy cardio and can't imagine giving it up completely. I plan to do 30 min cardio on T/TH and keep my weights on M/W/F. I don't mind if this slows my progress, but I don't want it have a negative impact.

Does anyone have experience doing this program but still doing cardio???


  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    I do all sorts of other things, basketball, netball, kettlebell work, walking, sometimes running when my calves aren't dodgy. While weights are relatively low it doesn't seem to be a problem but I'm mindful of recovery and may look at a different program soon that isn't so squat heavy and allow me to continue my other activities.
  • dsg2000
    dsg2000 Posts: 38 Member
    I do a lot of running and just recently started strong lifts (two months ago). So far it's been fine, though I've been trying to be mindful of recovery/injury and I'm upping the weight more slowly than I would have otherwise (doing a few rounds at a particular weight before moving up, instead of just one).

    I don't think doing cardio would have a negative impact, especially if you're just sticking to a routine you already have. Your body should be used to that stimulus.

    That's been my (very novice) experience, anyway.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I do cardio on my non-lifting days. I need it to stay in shape for backcountry skiing, hiking and backpacking. I do not believe lifting alone is all you need.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I did cardio during SL and NROLFW. Do it now too sometimes. I just never do much right before lifting minus the occasional 10 minute warm up. Most of the time I do my cardio separate or after upper body. I trained for a 5k, then 10k in 2015. Have an obstacle 10k and hope to do a half-marathon this year.

    So sure, have fun with cardio. :smile:
  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I do HIIT cardio 1-2x week on my lifting rest days. I'm doing PHUL which is much higher volume than SL. It has more recovery time between upper & lower body lifts, though. Maybe be mindful of how hard you hit the cardio for recovery. When I did SL I used to sometimes do short cardio circuits right after lifting so rest days were still rest days.
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    yay, thanks guys! I figured it would be OK to leave the cardio in... :)
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    I've found that I just don't lose weight as fast if I'm not actively doing cardio. I'll see changes in my body from lifting, for sure, but I don't LEAN out as fast if I skip cardio.
    Which sucks, because I hate cardio. But what are you gonna do.. :D
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Ditto for me too. I have to do cardio to see some kind of loss (in addition to SL), plus eating less which is my downfall at night. Good luck.
  • Isca_1
    Isca_1 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm going to start doing some cardio on off days. I don't walk and move around as much as I should (desk job etc). I have an elliptical at home, going to try and do 30 mins on that on off days.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I think part of it is going to depend on personal goals too. Medhi's focus is more rawr lift all the heavy weights and get bigger. Which is fine but not everyone using SL has that focus. Kind of like the company that sells the protein powder I use. Sure, it can be used for bulking and that is their post focus on instagram. All about them gains. However, if consumed in a deficit it can but very useful for losing too. Works either way, their focus just happens to be on the one side, like Medhi's focus is lift more and gain muscle based in part on his main audience focus.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i guess my big thing is: if you don't love it you're not going to do it long-term anyway. so anything that i do love i tend to glom onto and then i let other things arrange themselves around that. i've had phases where all i was really interested in was lifting, and others where i felt i could 'afford' to dial it back down while i was in love with some other thing.

    over the longer term (2 years now for me) i feel like it all tends to work itself out.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    My cardio is Kettlebell swings. They are supposed to enhance weight lifting moves.