Random Chit Chat :)

Post anything you'd like here!


  • Deckhand562
    Deckhand562 Posts: 76 Member
    We're doing a biggest loser challenge at my office. We've all signed up and paid our fees in December. I'm looking forward to winning that $700 in April on our final weigh-in!
  • That's really exciting!!! I bet you'll win that jackpot!
  • That really does sound exciting alright!!! :) You can do it!!!!
  • TanyaS007
    TanyaS007 Posts: 177 Member
    Very cool!
  • TanyaS007 wrote: »
    Very cool!

    I agree :)
  • vintagebloom2009
    vintagebloom2009 Posts: 13 Member
    Decided yesterday to do the dirty girl mud run in may! And possibly the color run again, which is also in may :)
  • That's really awesome!
  • Anyone from Ireland around here that likes running or weight training? :)
  • freedomofchoicefeo
    freedomofchoicefeo Posts: 16 Member
    Not sure what's happening. Last week I gained 2kg in weight even though I've been watching the things I'm eating and I've been very active. I'm thinking, maybe I gained muscle rather then fat. No way I can tell really other then getting me one of those electrical BMI calculators.... Been doing exercise for the past 6 weeks now. MFP tells me I lost weight and my scale tells me gained weight. My weighing day is every sunday. So im curious what this weeks result is going to be.