Day 39: 02/18/2016

Morning accountabuddies.
I hope today is better than yesterday for all of you. The sun is shinning here on the south coast and yesterday went very well. I ate as planned, drank all the water, had a short walk at lunchtime and a yoga session before bed. Feeling very positive about this process, even though the weight loss is not where I planned, I will get there.
Today I am out for a fancy dinner so the plan is to be very careful with the food choices during the day. Plus the usual walk and water routine.
Have a great day!


  • Frigs
    Frigs Posts: 745 Member
    Good morning. Sun is shining here too!

    Yesterday I met all my goals
    Today: 5K run done. WOD at lunch. HIIT tonight. Going for the gallon cause that run was hot!
    Low carb day.

  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Good morning!

    Feeling much better today, but my weight is still up. :(

    Just moving forward. I'm not going to do my run today since I'm still recovering from this cold, but I'll aim for 10k steps and doing my yoga.

    Goals for today:
    1. stay within calories
    2. 10k steps
    3. yoga
  • CourtLloyd
    CourtLloyd Posts: 128 Member
    Good morning! The scale was down, I repeat, the scale was down with the time of the month happening...ummm...that NEVER happens, so I'll take it because it's weigh in day! :0) Down 0.6 since last week...a loss is a loss! :0)

    I hit 15 cups of water yesterday...that never happens, did my workout, and food was on point! It's nice when the scale plays you that extra boost that something is working, so I'll take that and run with it while it lasts. :smile:

    Goals for today: 1 Gallon, Run at least 2-3 miles, bodycombat, and food on point!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Today is another day I'm waiting for the electrician. Once I lose the power my day will go to doing the pacing and driving them crazy.

    Goals for today
    1. Stay out of their way
    2. eat properly
    3. don't go on a candy run
    4. drink plenty of water
  • dhygirl
    dhygirl Posts: 137 Member
    Well I managed to get my 25 minutes of exercise in, and get my 10,000 steps, but my mother in law sent home a box of thin-mints so that messed up my no sweets / junk food goal! My weight was the same on the scale this morning so that's a bummer. But today is a new day and I plan to be a stickler all weekend. Supposed to be nice weather, that should help. I already got in a 12 minute light cardio workout this morning. Want to get at least another 15 minutes in tonight, possibly yoga.

    Goals for today:
    10k steps
    15 mins exercise
    No evening sweet indulgences
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Good morning all. Still fighting a bug and find my anemia is really starting to slow me down. But managed to push through yesterday and got my behind out of bed this morning for my workout. Took longer than normal but I got it done, scale is finally slooowly inching down from its gain but still got a way to go to get back to where I was. So frustrating and I am out of town this weekend, going skiing in the mountains with my son. :)

    Today's goals:
    lower body strength training - done
    eat to plan within calories
    hit protein goal
    get ready to go away
    good nights rest
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,306 Member

    Yesterday was hard for me to focus on my workouts! I managed a light jog w/ a walk on the treadmill. Yesterday, I woke up sounding like my husband, ugh, it's been coming on for a few days, :(. I bought some sinus rinse and started using it last night! Hopefully this will help my sneezing and sore throat, :(

    Today's goals:
    1. Light jog
    2. Treadmill walk
    3. Take my sinus rinse 3x
    4. Under calorie goal
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!
    Yesterday was very good, accomplished all my tasks and plans and did 5 sets of 3 chin-ups each!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow's milestone :)
    Plans for today include my workout, more chin-ups, a walk, good food and a gallon of water.
    Let's make it a fabulous Thursday!!!