Feb 18

lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
Since one of my goals was to report in daily, reporting in!

Main weekly goals:

(1) No unplanned snacking
(2) Hit all my planned workouts
(3) Log every day and stay within calories
(4) Get 6 hours of sleep/night

Started strong on the sleep but it's been a fail the past two nights. Part of it last night was I went to bed too late because I was out, but I still kept waking up. If I have one more night of this I really am going to cut way back on coffee and set some deadline for my last cup (like 11 am) to see if that helps, but I really don't wanna, whine, whine. Took a rest day yesterday (moved it from Friday) and I think that was a good call -- feel better today -- but for some reason was weirdly hungry all day yesterday, so struggled with the food stuff (I knew I'd be over anyway, as I went out to dinner). Right now I'm more focused on being mindful about food and logging to get back into this, so I'm okay with that.


  • freyjac
    freyjac Posts: 205 Member
    Man yesterday was a bad day.
    I went over calories by 75 points. I had a piece of chocolate so i didnt stay clear of sweets like i wanted. I din't take my vitamins, didn't gor for a run or kettlebells. That being said I did instead do a 2.5ish mile walk up hill with my dog. I did drink all my water. I did sew the patches on uniform, I did get all my steps right before my fitbit died. The cake and photographer will have to wait till tomorrow on my next day off.

    Today is a day to pick myself up and try again so I [plan to
    1) drink 10-12 glasses of water
    2)stay in calories
    3) hit 13000 steps
    4)stay clear from sweets
    5)go for a run

  • isabelmart140goal
    Today I stayed within my calorie goal! Sat down maybe 2 hrs in total and was dancing/moving most of my day. Had a successful musical performance w my 2nd graders and did eat ice cream afterwards instead of joining the others for our usual after performance 1,500 calorie binge at Chilis or something (drinks and super late dinner) so I feel I made the right choice... But it was VERY tempting to just go with them.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    1) I want to at least get to 92 lbs and maintain it. -- (Not weighing in till Monday)
    2) I want to maintain my workout routine. I have just started. (Workout done)
    3) Lessen my carb and sugar intake (less than my usual anyways). (High but still below my normal)
    4) I want to have a continuous streak on my mfp diary at least until this ends. (Food and exercise tracking done)

    Today's particular goal: Exercise more than yesterday. --> Done
    Eat within calorie limit. --> Done
    Don't eat any unplanned food/meal. --> Done
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Walked w/DH and Bean 5.05 miles in 114 mins (6.85 total miles for 14,954 steps) then got on the bike for 12.50 miles in 45 mins and an episode of Covert Affairs then worked out to KCM's Sculpting DVD for 30 mins then ...nothing

    Stayed within my calorie allotment and logged it!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    1. Log daily
    2. Sleep 7-8 hours each night
    3. Avoid highly processed foods
    4. Be active
    5. Prepare most of our meals at home

    After 2 nights of not getting the 7-8 hours of sleep, I finally succeeded last night with a full 8 hours. BAM! Feel so much better starting the day! Doing well with logging and avoiding processed. Looking forward to cooking tonight and will be active cleaning house most of today. (Fun times!)