Have you ever experienced....

Good afternoon everyone! I've been on phentermine about 8 weeks now. Lost 12 lbs in the first 3 weeks, and decided that I was going to quit smoking. I started Chantix (about the 6th time for me in the past few years). I gained 1 lb, according to their scale, my scale had me back and forth with the same 5 lbs. I lost all ability to taste food, was hungry all the time! Ladies, I logged everything I ate the other day. . . 4,000 calories! I've been off chantix for 3 days, I am starting to taste my food again, and I'm no longer craving carbs and high sugar crap (like I was, anyway), and I can finally sleep.

Apparently, this isn't a "normal" reaction to these two drugs, but obviously it's my own personal reaction. My doc told me to stop the Chantix on Friday, and that we will take another route to aid me in quitting smoking. So for the next 2 weeks I need to monitor my sleep and eating patterns.

I'm just curious if any of you have found any type of interactions like this?