Weekly Chat March 7-17

SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
This is the final week and a half. Let's vent if we need to and have a great finish to the challenge.


  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    I'm not gonna make it. I'm heavier than I was at the beginning of the challenge!! :'(
  • yesIcan155
    yesIcan155 Posts: 65 Member
    I am a little bit heavier too. It has been a rough winter for me. The warm weather is improving my motivation, so maybe 20 by summer will be my goal.
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Yeah, i am hovering at my starting weight for this challenge. No loss but no real gain so i guess that is not too bad for me.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    I think my next goal will be 180 by K-Days. All The Rides!!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    so it hasn't been the best challenge for me either. i am pretty much where i began this challenge:( think we should all gear up for memorial day!! that should be the next? maybe the warmer weather will help us get back on track!
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    I am higher than my start as well. I'm tired, but I won't quit.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Lately I have been on a sweets kick, I need to get over it, soon.
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    When is Memorial day? Curious Canadians demand to know. . .
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    May 30th this year
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Memorial Day sounds so close, maybe 4th of July,would be better, that's what was after Easter challenge last year. I haven't done worth a damp of this challenge either. The best one I did was Christmas 2014 and I completed the 20lb goal and a little over, since then I haven't completed the goal.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    I'm going to second a 4th of July goal. I could use a Freedom to Own this again challenge and give my life a little fireworks as a reward. My goal was to break 200 at that time last year, I can't believe I'm above it right now, but I'm going to fight for 190 by then.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    July 4th sounds best.

    I've lost 12 this time around.
  • yesIcan155
    yesIcan155 Posts: 65 Member
    I vote for July 4th too. I am just now getting back into the swing of things, so I think 20 by the 4th would be a more reasonable goal for me.
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    I like July 4th!!
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    I'm in for July 4th! I've a personal goal of 180 by K-days, which is end of July.
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    What are k days?
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    edited March 2016

    K-Days is the most magical time of year!!!

    Or at least it is for us Edmontonians. . . Well, at least it is for me. Lol!! It's a rodeo/carnival/festival thing that rolls through town once a year. It's huge!! Takes up our coliseum,the neighboring racetracks, and all the parking spaces in between! There's everything!! The midway has all the rides and food trucks, the Northlands area has halls upon halls of shopping. They have aboriginal sections that display native artwork and portray native talent and traditional song and dance. There's concerts everywhere, and everyone from local talent to big shots take the stage! It was my first Weird Al Yankovic concert! I've been going since my Dad started taking me and my brother as wee tadpoles. Every year, I take a day off of work and me and my Brother go from startup to tear down. Usually we drag my little sister along. I'm the only one that will go on the big rides with him; he's usually the only one that will go on ANY rides with me!

    K-Days was actually one of three major things that got me on this journey. I was actually getting to big for the rides, and was very nearly kicked off of one. Add to that I was getting more and more tired and cranky from walking around all day and actually wanted to start leaving earlier. Huge wake-up call.

    TL;DR - It's a summer festival with a huge midway.
  • yesIcan155
    yesIcan155 Posts: 65 Member
    K days sounds like a good time :)
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Wow, k days sound awesome!!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm glad we are thinking ahead for the next challenge.

    Sorry I have been really quiet this week. I took the kids on a ferry ride over the weekend to Juneau and back. We left Friday afternoon and came back Monday morning at 2:45 am. It was a great trip. Weather was AWESOME!!!!!! No rain. No wind. No heavy seas. I took the dog with us and I got off in every port and walked him around. When we pulled into Wrangell it was kinda tough for me. I could swear I smelled my grandparents standing at the top of the ramp. They were from there and they sadly have both passed away. When I told my hubby I could smell them he said he could feel them there too. We walked from the ferry terminal through the alley to the post office and back (about a mile). When we got to Juneau we met up with a coworker of my hubbys. He gave us a dog. She was brutally picking on the other smaller dog in the house so they decided to give her to a better home. She bonded instantly with my dog. They are inseparable. In fact I used to have to cage my dog when I left the house because he would tear stuff up if he was left alone. Now with her in the house o don't have to cage him at all. He is also barking less. And being in and out of ports for 58 hours the cell reception was spotty at best. Then once we got back from out weekend junket we had spring break. We have cedar bark basket weaving classes. Swimming lessons. Girl Scout meetings. Girl Scout cookie deliveries. Yeah. So things have been really crazy the last few days.

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