
dylanryuu Posts: 46 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups
Anime wouldn't be the same without a good competition, be it a physical fight or a battle of wits. Are you tired of passively cheering for your favourite characters behind a TV screen? Do you want to really fight for them?
I would like to create events where we can make that happen. My idea is to choose two characters of your choice, set them against each other, and you can choose on which side to fight. Each challenge can be about doing the most exercise, or a particular type of activity, or it can be about eating better, or not eating more than a number of calories (within healthy limits, of course). We can choose to do these weekly or monthly and, at the end of the chosen time frame, the group that has, as a whole, achieved the set goals better will win the fight.
Here we can discuss all the details for each challenge, and I'm open to new and better ideas!
Each person can suggest one character each and I will pick the two most voted characters to set against each other. I would also like to vary as much as possible, so if I see that certain characters are always getting picked, or if there's a tie, I'll do the choosing and the untying, so that everyone can have a chance to support their favourite anime/manga.
What do you say? Will you fight, or will you run?



  • dylanryuu
    dylanryuu Posts: 46 Member
    Here is the discussion thread for the tournaments.


    If you're participating, let me know which team you are fighting for.

    I'm going for team One Piece!
