Logging excercise with IIFYM

I am counting my macros and setting them at a certain percentage. My exercise during the day automatically raises these numbers way higher then I have set them and want. The only way I have figured out to keep my adjustments is to take off tracking exercises. But I don't like doing that. Is there another way that I can do it all? Thank you guys:)


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Yes, MFP keeps the % the same when calories go up.

    Only way is to buy premium which has option to prevent that.

    Or just set your own eating goal manually based on rolling weekly average of what Fitbit says you burn.

    If it says you burn 2750 average daily for 2 weeks - then set goal to say 2250 using 500 cal deficit if that is reasonable for amount to be lost.

    Don't log workouts manually, and don't sync Fitbit in.

    Make manual wall posts about your workouts then - see my profile for example.

    Then after 2 weeks look at average daily burn again from Fitbit's site, and set eating goal again.
    Because seasons and workouts do change.