New here :)

Hi guys, I'm 16 years old, 5'2". I'm a serious ballet student training at a full-time school, obviously very active, but I've gained over 10 lbs over the past year! I'm a recovered anorexic so I'm not allowed to weigh myself at
home (probably how the pounds snuck up on me, coupled with stress and boredom eating). I weigh 106.5 now, and the numbers just keep creeping upward. I'd like to get down to about 100, or lose at least 5 lbs, not
much more.

Although I am not overweight according to medical standards, I AM according to professional ballet standards. In fact, one of the most prominent Russian ballet academies would require me to weigh about 85 pounds or less. The rule of thumb in America is 85 lbs for 5' and 5 lbs extra for each inch beyond that; I know it's not always healthy and I'll use my discretion, but unfortunately I can't change how the dance world works. At my school the directors aren't shy about letting you know if you're looking too heavy, and I want to make sure that doesn't happen,

I know I don't have a ton of weight to lose, but it will be a real challenge to get it
off and then maintain control over my diet in the long run :\

So, anyway, please add me on here so we can motivate one another!


  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Wow, you are a serious ballet student! I am not sure how to help you, but just wanted to say good luck and just try to always keep in mind to be healthy as well as a beautiful ballerina! Eating healthy is always a good idea no matter what your goals are and your athleticism needs to be fueled with a good balance and variety of good carbs, fruits, vegetables, and water. Does your school have an on-site nutrionist that you could meet with? Because unfortunately, these standards are still obviously being used, but I would hope that in this day and age the school would also be on the lookout for the health of their students and be there to help them achieve their goals without hurting themselves. And if there is not one, maybe you can meet with one on your own time. You would need one that understands the demands of your job & body. Good luck!
  • Balletchick97
    Thank you! My school's standards aren't that crazy luckily, and they're sensitive to eating disorders as well. :)