Pregnant and wanting to limit weight gain?

lrob87 Posts: 20 Member
Hi everyone! I'm 24 weeks pregnant and pretty much fell off the eating right/exercising bandwagon when I found out and have already gained 20+ lbs. I'd like to limit my weight gain to 15 more lbs or less and then start losing again after baby is born.

I'm 28, married, have a 1 year old daughter, and before I got pregnant with girl #2 I was running regularly and had gotten down to my pre-pregnancy weight (still 40 lbs above my goal weight). Last pregnancy I gained over 50 lbs and didn't exercise at all and felt absolutely miserable about myself. :( Boo.

There's only so much I'll be able to do, but I figured I'd at at least try my hand at damage control and maybe it would help me adjust to new-motherhood a bit more smoothly this time.

Would love some mom friends at a similar stage in their journey! :smiley:


  • mmannm5
    mmannm5 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 32 weeks along and was not recently on the healthy eating wagon to fall off of pre-pregnancy lol so I would like to limit my weight gain and after the baby lose the weight a gained over the last two years! Feel free to add me, and I'm on Fitbit as well as of last night :)