baby wearing... and walking 3 dogs..

leahcim823 Posts: 8 Member
edited March 2016 in Social Groups
Just went on my first official walk since I started back on the getting heathy train!!
Wore my 27 lb 17 month old backpack carry with my ergo.. And walked 3 excited dogs! (Husky/shepherd, lab/Boston terrier and shipoo)... 2 miles didn't seem like a lot, but man I'm out of shape!!!


  • JenniferMuriel
    JenniferMuriel Posts: 48 Member
    Good for you! I also babywear & dog owner! Currently using a Ka'taan wrap but it's a bit not so great for my back. But we also have an ergo on loan, I am trying to get him used to it. He's only 10 weeks and 11lbs so I use a rolled blanket to prop him up, facing in.
    Let's cheer each other on!!! :D

  • ck1227
    ck1227 Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome! Babywearing & dog walking is one of my favorite things!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I love babywearing!