New here!

Hi everyone! My name is Scotti and I am new to the group. Stumbled on it searching for a group for New Rules for Women or Female Body Breakthrough. I was a little concerned about how confusing their schedule was but figured what the heck, then I found this group with the amazing Stronglifts summary and decided that was a better fit for me. I also looked at 5/3/1 after learning about 5x5 but think Stronglifts is a better start for me but who knows!

I am 31 with some extra weight to lose and firm up. I have lost 17 lbs in the last 6ish weeks with diet, cardio, and body pump classes which I thought were lifting but apparently are mostly more cardio ;) I read the new rules and body breakthrough and when they said look around your class at how many people go up in weight or even yourself and had a total DUH moment. I've been in the class for almost 18 months with quite a few of the same ladies and most of us are lucky to have gone up a total of 5-10# in that time! So yeah.... logically to get the definition I am looking for I am going to have to start lifting heavy things :) I do love bodypump though and credit much of my loss to it. I am definitely stronger than I was but I want those muscles to show! Looking forward to the group!


  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    welcome! feel free to come and hang out in the check in and chat thread too :)
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    welcome!! lots of good information stickied on the main forum.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Welcome to the group. 5/3/1 is an intermediate program, so I'd definitely start with 5x5 for at least a few months before even thinking about switching. And really, you don't want to switch to an intermediate program until you stop making strength gains in your beginner program. Several different beginner programs, but like you, I picked 5x5 because of the simplicity.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Also new, had a go at the 5x5 this morning, feeling just nicely sore now and it took me hardly any time (obviously this will change as the weight goes up)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Welcome! I had done Body Pump before I wanted to focus on strength gains. You are right that you don't really see people increasing their weights often. I refer to it as cardio resistance training. I did make some gains there and I think it gave me a good starting point for Strong Lifts, but my real gains have been from SL.