Goals for the weekend: Mar 19-20

lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
Anyone else have particular goals for this weekend?


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    As I mentioned in the weekly thread, I've been good about logging, so-so about workouts, so I am excited to have some time to get in my planned weekend workouts. Besides the basic goal, I am going to finally break out the HRM again (I hate the chest strap, but want to get over that, since I keep reading good things about HR-based training), and I'm finding this a fun and inspiring plan. I'm also going to get in a nice long outdoor bike ride and (finally) get back in the pool.

    On food, I'm going to put together a plan for this coming week (and Easter dinner!) and try to stay in my calories on Saturday, even though I am going out (today will actually be more challenging, but I'd like to pull off a whole week for the first time in forever).
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    edited March 2016
    Well I may as well say it outloud I have the weekend off. BUTTTT they are speaking to one of my coworkers who may quit so that will kill my weekend off. I'm hoping for the best. My goal is to clean out some stuff and continue with deleting stuff. We will see how that goes. I also have to try on my swim suits and see if any of them will make do so I can go to the pool tomorrow. We will have to see. :)
  • CumberlandGrammy
    CumberlandGrammy Posts: 331 Member
    My boyfriend's birthday is Sunday which means I'll be baking him his favorite, a carrot cake. He also wants to go out for seafood. So... my goals this weekend will be to log everything I eat, drink 84 ounces (I use a 12 oz glass, hence the weird number), and stay within calories. My exercise lately has been difficult to log because I've had to devote my workout time to intense work on our geodesic dome we're building. My beau and I are getting close to having it ready to move in - in a somewhat rough, unfinished state, but still very exciting and motivating. I am sore from all the crawling about on concrete scraping and cleaning the floor and painting high and low. Whew-ee!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    So far this year I have basically maintained a 2 pound loss since January 1st. I've had a bit of trouble getting things in gear. It seems that I haven't been sleeping as well. So, I guess that will have to be my priority for getting everything going again. The good news is that I have at least maintained for the first quarter of the year. (Up and down, but over-all maintained.) This next quarter has to get it going again. I have a new swimsuit and I want to enjoy wearing it!