3rd Day of July

DaniKaren Posts: 79 Member
Good morning!

It is beautiful out right now! It's about 75F and sunny with few clouds. I'm going to go take advantage of this while I still can, because the high for today is 108F. Unless I'm in the pool, I don't want to be outside once it gets that hot.

I have a lot of errands to run today, so I'll be using Runtastic to keep track of my distance. I'm so excited to pick out my new glasses today! The ones I'm wearing are two years old and not very effective anymore.

Last night's Turkey & Spinach Lasagna was a success. I did get seconds, but not as much as I wanted to. My fiancee, on the other hand, ate himself sick.

My goals for today are to get in 5 walking miles, spend at least 15 minutes with Elli, play about 10-15 minutes of Wii Fit, and stay within my calorie goal.

How about you?

Have a great day!

Love and hugs,



  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Dani,

    Hope you can get to all your goals today....sounds doable. I am seriously working on staying under my calories today, and from this day forward to keep it up. Yesterday I was able to do 3 minutes on Elli, up from 2. I really didn't realize how hard that machine is to do. My hubby is off work for the next 4 days so getting in any kind of exercising is going to be hard to get to. I'm hoping to get my back room cleaned out which will be a lot of work, so that will count for some sort of exercise....Hope you have a happy fourth of July weekend.....

    Here's to you, Dani :drinker: