Healthy Foods Nutritional challenge



  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I'm a little confused as 1 and 3 seem sort of contradictory ("list of favorite healthy foods", "bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways"), but here goes....

    1. Favorite foods - ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter, even better when all together.
    Favorite HEALTHY foods - bell peppers, greek yogurt, salsa, hummus

    2. I love the sweetness, and richness, and creaminess of ice cream. I would eat it every day if I could. Peanut butter - salty and rich, chocolate - sweet and rich.
    I love greek yogurt because it is rich, and I like the slight tang, and there are so many ways to use it. I love peppers because they are sweet and crunchy, and I can snack mindlessly without worrying about calories. I eat them pretty much every day. I love the spice and heat of salsa. And I love the taste and texture of hummus. And I can use them both as "dip" with my peppers and truly feel like I am snacking, but still eating healthy.

    3. I make a chocolate peanut butter yogurt with greek yogurt, peanut butter (all natural) and chocolate protein powder. It's rich and creamy and slightly sweet but also slightly tangy. I eat it for breakfast almost daily. It's about 300 calories and keeps me feeling full for hours. Sometimes as a snack I will do greek yogurt with chocolate PB2, for a slightly lower calorie count.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    mswanger09 wrote: »
    mswanger09 wrote: »
    Tacos. They can be made so many different ways, ground meat, grilled, or in the crock pot, you can even go vegetarian or vegan with them! You can season them in a lot of different ways and never get bored with them. And if you don't want all the calories from the shells, you can turn them into salads and just crumb a few chips or a shell on top of them.

    Ok here is my update to clarify my earlier response(even though I hit most of the points.):
    1. Tacos are my favorite food.
    2. I love the variety of flavored that can be used. They can be made with a variety of proteins and they can be made vegetarian as well.
    3. If you don't want all the calories from the shells you can make a salad and just crumble some chips on top! Or you can use lettuce leaves as the shell.

    Broccoli slaw!!! I should have mentioned broccoli slaw. It makes a great crunchy base for taco salad, as well as many other dishes.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    leti126 wrote: »
    mswanger09 wrote: »
    hawkins410 wrote: »
    @mswanger09 You stole my favorite! :p

    Sorry, not sorry! :p LOL

    I think it is really more like great minds and all!

    Team 6 love of tacos right here too!!

    Yay Taco Team! :smile:
    Yep, pretty sure I hit the bullet points with how to remake a Chunky Strawberry Bowl.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I love most veggies and fruits....just love the taste of berries and to keep it healthy, I don't add sugar....plain and cut up if needed.

    Second is casseroles....pasta or rice with chicken or ground beef and with canned soup. To make it healthier we buy low sodium soup and load up on veggies.....peppers, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, mixed frozen veggies etc, cut up and added in. I can get two servings of veggies in a serving of most casseroles and helps to lower the calorie count. I love my food to be crunchy and have lots of "substance" to it.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    Healthy food
    1. Baby carrots
    2. They are sweet, crunchy, colorful, filling
    3. Because they are so portable you can use them as a nutritious snack anywhere. Have a handful to hold off the grumbling stomach. There is no peel or core or juice to create a mess. You can add them to stir fries for color and crunch.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Nutritional challenge 10 pts

    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.

    I'm also confused by this as I think that since #1 asks for "healthy" food, I'm not sure how we are making it "more nutritious".

    Favorite healthy foods and what I like about them:
    - berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries); taste is sweet but tart, colors are vibrant, texture is soft but with seeds or sometimes "bursty", like blueberries.
    - shepherd's pie; perfect blend of meat, vegetables and gravy! The smell, look and texture remind me of childhood, when I would just mash everything together on my plate. It's one of the dishes that just feel warm and cozy.
    - craisins!!!! Tart, sweet, chewy, red. Can't have a salad without these.

    I'm not sure about bringing out these characteristics in more nutritious ways. I add berries to greek yogurt so that I can get some protein with the carbs. For shepherd's pie, I would make it with as little sodium as possible. The meat and veggies are already healthy and nutritious. Craisins are eaten in a salad for me, with romaine lettuce, spinach, green onion, carrots, and a protein, like baked chicken breast.

    However, if I were to list my actual favorite food (not "healthy" food), it would be chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Sweet, but with that bit of bitterness from the chocolate; moist, soft. Melt in your mouth tasty. The smell - chocolaty! The only thing I've tried to make this more nutritious is making a diabetic chocolate cake recipe, so much less sugar, and having it with a bit of real whipped cream instead of frosting. Not much else you can do with chocolate cake to make it nutritious and still be chocolate cake! Just say, having a small piece of dark chocolate just isn't the same.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Ok I'll try this again
    1: list of favorite foods: popcorn, fruits, veggies anything crunchy
    2: love the smell of popcorn and the crunch of all the rest...need to get my crunch on daily
    3: popcorn is a carb so no real way to bring out the nutritional value other than eating air popped...but that's not quite as good as popped in oil...
    Gotta have me some popcorn 1-2 x weekly and that's right NO SHARING sorry all mine the whole 3 cups I get twice a week yum yummy
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious way

    Broccoli and cheese. I could eat that every day for every meal. The green broccoli the creamy melted Velveeta, it's so good. Thankfully it's already easy to fit into my meal plans but Velveeta is high in sodium and saturated fat.

    So an alternative is broccoli soup using cauliflower as a thickener. Puree the cauliflower with a little sour cream and add to broccoli soup to make it creamy instead of the cream and cheese. Then cheese of any type can be grated on top of the bowl before serving. This is really good with a dash of hot sauce.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    @murdog3t . yes. I'm all about not sharing my measured out three cups!! Why doesn't my family get this?? :D
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    120maggie wrote: »
    Healthy food
    1. Baby carrots
    2. They are sweet, crunchy, colorful, filling
    3. Because they are so portable you can use them as a nutritious snack anywhere. Have a handful to hold off the grumbling stomach. There is no peel or core or juice to create a mess. You can add them to stir fries for color and crunch.

    To add a list of healthy favs: Greek yogurt. Lots of mixed green salads. Couscous, pita breads berries . but got to have the carrots everyday!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    My favorite healthy foods revolve around cauliflower. Cauliflower pizza, grilled cheese, "mashed"potatoes, etc. I think I love it because it takes the place of bread, rice and potatoes. Those starchy, creamy, bready calories that are so filling. With a little bit of creativity I can get those characteristics with cauliflower. I can top a bowl of cauliflower "rice" with a ton of stir fry veggies or turn it into a Mexican meal with beans. I plan on making cauliflower lasagna today. A quick meal is a bowl of steamed cauliflower with tomato sauce and sprinkle of cheese. Very healthy and filling.
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    I love soup, especially thick creamy soups!
    One way I found to lighten them up is using pureed vegetables like potatoes and squash for a thickener instead of cream or milk.
  • laurab384
    laurab384 Posts: 75 Member
    Just thought of another one! I love chicken pot pie.
    I'm noticing a pattern here - thick and creamy = delicious!

    I add extra vegetables and chickpeas to the filling. They increase the fiber content and mashing some of the chickpeas helps thicken the filling without as much milk & butter
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    Spaghetti squash, Greek yogurt (working on making this a favorite), oatmeal with flax seeds, and mashed cauliflower. Unhealthy faves - meatloaf, graham crackers, cheese.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    Love the texture of spaghetti squash because I love pasta but trying to cut unnecessary carbs. The Greek yogurt I am working on loving because it can get me a snack with carbs and protein for my pre-gym snack, which makes it super easy. The oatmeal with flax seeds I love because it is an easy breakfast I can make at work and I love the warmth of it and even the taste although I don't sweeten it with anything other than cinnamon. I love the texture and taste of mashed cauliflower because for me it tastes and feels like mashed potatoes without the carb guilt.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.
    I need to learn how to use the spaghetti squash in more ways and also try zucchini noodles some time. The Greek yogurt, I just need to keep trying and supposedly you become accustomed to the texture and taste. I don't know how to bring out more nutrition in the oatmeal unless I add some fruit to it which I rarely do. For the cauliflower, I need to experiment with more ways to use it as a substitute for potatoes. As for my unhealthy faves, I try to use leaner meat when I make my meatloaf but I should also try making it in muffin tins so you have portion control, as that is my biggest problem when I make meatloaf. My graham cracker addiction is getting worse all the time. LOL. I do keep control in that I can only have so much because of daily calorie limits and most of the time I have so few calories left that I don't dip it in milk. As far as the cheese, I am trying to buy reduced fat cheese sticks and the cheese I am having at home are the smaller cracker cut pieces, so hopefully that helps.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Ok. I'll take another stab at this to earn my points with a good conscious. Fave healthy food: sugar snow snap peas. Love them with hummus. Love their sweetness and crunchy texture. I try to use them in stir fries and in salads. Can't think of a way to make them healthier but it does often replace the less nutritional options out there.
  • Rossergirl
    Rossergirl Posts: 105 Member
    NACHOS! One of very favorite foods. I love the crunch of the chips, the flavor of the meat and/or beans, the coolness of the sour cream and the zing of the jalapenos. I love every aspect of nachos. To cut calories and carbs I just make a huge taco salad without the shell or the chips! Or, if I want some type of crunch, I use pig skins for the chips. Now, I am craving Nachos!
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    Just in case my previous post wasn't up to snuff...

    Favorite foods: Most of my favorite foods are pretty healthy to begin with. I love all sorts of produce: sugar snap peas, fruit and veggie smoothies, crisp coleslaw, apples, etc. I also like pop corn, cereal, and peanut butter. I also love a good cup of coffee with half and half. I'm semi lactose intolerant and that half and half is of the few dairy products I've kept in my regular diet.

    Trend: I tend to like crunchy foods (sweet or salty). That tends to satisfy my hunger more than anything else. I also love trying new foods, too, and often go on a "this is my favorite food!" phase. This is why produce is so exciting to me because there's so many different things to try and ways to prepare them.

    More nutritious: Most of my choices are already "more nutritious". I prefer sugar snap peas and hummus to chips, banana ice cream to dairy ice cream, etc. I'm not a perfect eater, but I've become much more gracious with myself over the years. A way I've found to keep the "unhealthy" choices in moderation is to eat a primarily "clean" diet (limited preservatives, additional sugars, additives, etc.) and this directly impacts the sweets I eat and keep around me. I've also learned that even if the sweet goods I'm making are "clean", I still don't have as much self-control as I'd like. When I do make them, I'll savor/save a couple for me but give away the rest.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    @ka97 This combo of yogurt, peanut butter, and protein powder sounds good, especially as a filling breakfast:
    I make a chocolate peanut butter yogurt with greek yogurt, peanut butter (all natural) and chocolate protein powder. It's rich and creamy and slightly sweet but also slightly tangy. I eat it for breakfast almost daily. It's about 300 calories and keeps me feeling full for hours. Sometimes as a snack I will do greek yogurt with chocolate PB2, for a slightly lower calorie count.

    Would you mind giving me the proportions so I can give it a try? Either here or on our team thread would be awesome! Thanks! :)
  • mindse
    mindse Posts: 13 Member
    My real true love is a good fat plus carb combination -- chips and dip, bread and butter, cheese and crackers...mmmmm. I love the texture of something crunchy or soft combined with something buttery or creamy. To try to replicate the same thing in a healthier way, I love baby carrots and Trader Joe's tahini. Or ANYTHING and guacamole. Especially those tiny baby peppers and tahini or guacamole. Or celery and almond butter. Its more the texture and tang that I love and not the thing itself -- once I get away from the real thing for a few days the substitute is just as good!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Favourite food: chocolate. It is the flavour I love, obviously. To fit it into my daily calories I will either have a glass of 1% milk with some Nesquik syrup (this way I get the nutrients from the milk as well as the chocolate flavour) or a fun size York peppermint patty (only 50 calories).

    Favourite healthy foods: All Bran buds. I love the crunch. I add 1/3 cup to my yogurt and berries in the morning and get half my daily fibre.

    sweet bell peppers: I love the colours, the flavour and the crunch. Perfect to pack in your lunch.