Desk Job & FitBit...

Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
I know the recommended steps for the day is 10,000 and I worked extremely hard at one point to reach that but never totally got there. One of the problems is that I have a desk job so for at least most of the day, I have to sit! I attempt to move as much as possible when I'm not at my desk and when I'm at home. So my question is...if I have my steps set for 8500 instead of 10,000, is that okay? I figure at least I'm getting up, I'm moving, working out and getting in as many steps as possible. Thoughts?


  • IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt
    IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt Posts: 695 Member
    Google the "origin of 10,000 steps" and you may come to the conclusion that the 'proper, magic number' is arbitrary.

    Exercise is good for your body. Be as active as you happily (key word) can, for life. My step goal is set to 8,000. Some days I get less, some days I get many more, but no matter what, I know I'm more active than I was at this time two years ago. Some people have a goal of 4,000 steps per day, others 14,000. It's all about starting where you are and improving over time if you wish. Be you!
  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    I would pick a value that you can reliably reach but that is a stretch occasionally. Once that goal seems too low, because you've found ways to incorporate more steps into your day, bump it up a bit. There's nothing magic about 10,000 - it's just a nice, round number.
  • n2meuc2
    n2meuc2 Posts: 6 Member
    I make it a daily goal to leave work with at least 8,000 steps. I am often motivated to finish the other 2,000 once I reach home. I too work in a office, but I make it my point to walk around though out my 9 hour work day.... I have actually took a walk around my office building (1) to get fresh air and (2) to get some additional steps in. You can do it! Keep pushing!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Any extra activity is better than nothing. Here's a link to determine your activity level, as per many recommendations I still keep MFP set to sedentary tho.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    See if you can bring in an exercise ball chair. You'll work on posture, and can bounce a little bit, instead of sitting still !
  • suzan06
    suzan06 Posts: 218 Member
    I will ditto the pp who said to walk more at work. Walk to the furthest away bathroom, etc.

    I am a pretty active person, and I typically hit ~10,000 a day. I also always go on at least a short walk every day. I'd you aren't, I would encourage you to add a 20-30 minute walk daily.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    My sister has a desk job, she was going to farthest toilet and instead of printing a whole stack of papers at once, she did a few at a time walking back and forth to her desk etc etc. She got pulled up by her boss for "time wasting" :rage: So annoying!!
  • gethntysear
    gethntysear Posts: 47 Member
    Hey, here's my 2 cents; I started off with about 8000 steps a day and have gradually moved up to 12000 (14000 on really good days).

    Typical day now: I get off the bus a couple of stops early before work and walk through the park to my bus after work, park furthest from the shops, go out for a walk at lunchtime. I try to avoid calling people and sending emails and just walk across to them I actually found this to be more efficient. I also walk around my block in the evenings and try to stay away from lazing on the sofa.

    Although as I said before I built up to this gradually, as soon as it got to easy and comfortable I upped my game. You want to challenge yourself it's just finding the fun way to balance it :smiley:

    You can definitely do it!