My Journal

rmbalthrop Posts: 9 Member
My name is Rose. I'm 60 years old people guess me in my 40's (how I wish I still was and know then what I know now) And here's my life at the moment (which I will keep updated)

So...I'm sitting here thinking (passes time ya know). I do believe I have found my weakness. And no diet rather it be WW, Atkins, Jenny Craig, etc is going to help me. I have to start with ME. When I get stressed/bored I find myself going to the kitchen and eating/snacking. This isn't good or healthy. What do I do? I just can't keep going on like this. I have never been this big my entire life. I have to STOP reaching for food. Food is NOT my friend. My biggest problem is I allow people/things get to me, and I know it's not good or healthy. People/things never use to get to me I've always been this happy, healthy, bubbly go getter. Why has this changed? This is such a struggle. I want my life back! I want to not look so..........FAT! If I knew crying would help, I would. But why?
Then there's my......husband (which I hate to say is my BIGGEST problem......please read on you just might agree) Not supportive at all. I don't even know why he even bothers going to the gym with me, I'd rather him stay home. Don't even know why he even joined (I guess to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong) We go to the gym and we get out and he talks bout all these calories he just burnt on the treadmill (Only thing he ever does) and he says to me 'So you don't have to stand up and cook do you want to go to Burger King?' NO ACTUALLY I DON'T.
Yesterday we're standing in the store in checkout and he says 'You want to go to Starbucks and get a Frappuccino cause I could sure use one' I just look at him and he says 'Oh that's right your on a diet so just forget it!' What does he do next? He goes to White Castle and gets himself 10 small burgers and then gets mad at ME cause I don't want anything. He's excuse? He will work the calories off at work lifting on patients. So yeah......some support he is. I deal with patients all day to and the weight isn't going no where.
So hard when you don't have the support, especially from your husband. Then he says 'You don't look like you weigh that much you look fine your not fat and I'm behind you on this' (Yeah....okay......pal)
He's not the smallest person in the world 5'11 230 pounds.
I HATE eating meals with him of any kind even going out. It's like it's a food competition to see how fast he can eat. He's excuse? Cause he HAS to eat fast at work. (Whatever) He's not only MY worse enemy but he's his own too. I guess he wants to bring me down with him.

But keep checking back. I'm going to lose this weight with OR without his support.



  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey Rose, sorry to hear your having a struggle right now.

    What are you looking for here? Are you looking for a place to vent? Are you looking to set some goals and lose some weight? Are you looking for a support group to help you deal with some of the issues at home?

    Once I know a little bit about you I can offer up a better response. Certain things I believe I can be a big help with and certain things I can't.

    I'm not trying to be rash when I say this but please let me know something more about you. I understand that you're not happy with your current situation and would like to help. Let's get to the details for now and leave out some of the emotions, once I know your goals I would love to help you get there. I understand that you are feeling like *kitten* and hate what the mirror looks like so let's change it one small step at a time.

  • rmbalthrop
    rmbalthrop Posts: 9 Member
    That there was a vent :) but also what I am dealing wirh, with no support. I'm looking for a plan I can work with and STICK with. Something that WORKS. AND to lose weight.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    edited March 2016
    So what are you willing to do? What have you done so far? How much do you want to lose? How fast do you want to lose it? Have you started tracking your food? What are you doing at the gym? How often are you going?