New - 3 days post op

I just had my gastric sleeve done on Monday, 03/28. I'm having a lot of trouble staying hydrated. I tried a Nectar protein shake today. That was a mistake. Gonna stick with clear liquids for another week them try the protein thing again. Any tips or experience stories to tell?


  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    Oh geez. I'm sorry you're not doing well. I was on clear liquids for a full week. You did the right thing by pulling yourself backwards. Always listen to the cues from your stomach!

    If you have a GNC or Vitamin Shoppe near you they sell the clear Isopure drinks. WARNING: THEY ARE ROUGH TO GET DOWN! I cut them 50/50 with another 0 calorie drink. They still don't taste the best, but it's an easy way to get protein!

    At Walmart (maybe a $$ store) they have the popsicle makers. I froze the Isopure and did popsicles. Constantly sucking a popsicle is easier than constantly sipping. Also, I bought a little timer from the kitchen aisle and set it for every five minutes. That way it forced me to remember to drink.

    And remember, if something hot bothers you now, it may feel great in a week. Or if beef broth doesn't sit well now, it may in a week. Don't rule out any foods the first couple of months, our tummies are ticked off. I'm 5 1/2 months out and there are some days I cannot drink anything cold. There are days that scrambled eggs KILL my stomach.

    Good luck and keep us posted!