Variable run lengths

So I did S1M9 yesterday with a playlist, and found myself running for 38 minutes, when most of the recent runs have been around 26! I ended up running further than I have ever run before! Wobbly legs today but I'm happy that I pushed myself. Is it normal for the runs to be so variable in length, or is it something to do with the playlists I am selecting?


  • KurtK1970
    KurtK1970 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm guessing that it's a combination of slightly different mission lengths and slightly different song lengths. I've often thought about that, too. I've noticed that I have some songs in my playlist that are a minute or two longer than others, and if the mission dialogue goes a little longer than normal and then goes into one of the longer songs, I feel like the entire mission goes on for a little longer than normal.
  • pduk
    pduk Posts: 11 Member
    The "full" app works differently to the 5K one, I've noticed. The latter used to interrupt the music a lot based on the strict timings of the training, but the former tries to do the narration between songs. I think that it's either after every song, if you have the 30 minutes option checked, or every 2 songs for 60 minutes., However it isn't exact. I have a lot of long songs on my playlist as I like progressive rock and some of them last a LONG time :) My run yesterday lasted well over an hour and it even interrupted a very long song once, so I'm guessing it does have a maximum time to wait before cutting in.