March 2014 babies



  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm due march 27. I had my hcg betas done at 5 and 5+2 and my numbers were 8000 and 15000. Do you think it's strange that it is doubling so quickly still? I have read that doubling should slow down... Also had my first real bout of sickness today. Ugh. I hate throwing up.

    Anyway, congratulations to all!! I wish everyone a good and healthy pregnancy!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    @Doubleduofa, Babiescoming, and Anniebear: Welcome!

    @Moondust: I hope you clear up soon. Uti's suck.

    General update: I am starving all the time, but not a damn thing sounds good. I'm also having trouble distinguishing between hunger and nausea.
  • hjay07
    hjay07 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I just found out this past Sunday that I'm pregnant with my first! I think I'm about 5 weeks along (due March 26th-ish according to google), and have my first appointment with my Dr. on 8/22. So excited...and terrified!

    As far as fitness and nutrition go, what were the first changes you made to your routine? Immediately, I know I need to drink more water and cut back on the caffeine (which I needed to do anyway!). I tend to eat a lot of frozen meals for lunch- Healthy Choice and the like- are those something I should steer clear of?
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member

    As far as fitness and nutrition go, what were the first changes you made to your routine? Immediately, I know I need to drink more water and cut back on the caffeine (which I needed to do anyway!). I tend to eat a lot of frozen meals for lunch- Healthy Choice and the like- are those something I should steer clear of?

    More water, less caffeine, yes. I think also higher carbs becomes a thing, depending on what your ratios were before. I used to be a drinker, and thought I would miss it, but beer/wine doesn't even smell good at this point. There are certain things you're not supposed to eat now, cold deli meat, stuff like that. Also, micro nutrient requirements are different, but that's generally covered by your prenatal vit.

    As for fitness, most say you can continue what you did before if you have no complications, but at a lower intensity. I'm still lifting, but not as frequently and way lower weight.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    hjay - congratulations! I'm due about the same time.

    I've just beeing trying to eat more whole foods all around. I haven't been able to work out as much because I'm exhausted and now feeling pretty sick all the time. However, best intentions aside, today, all I can stomach is ruffles chips (only the Lord knows why - I'm not a big chip eater and all other chips sound disgusting) and fruit. I also have some tea and gatorade in my bag.
  • hjay07
    hjay07 Posts: 28 Member
    I haven't started feeling sick at all yet, hopefully it stays that way for a while! So for now I while continue to try and eat healthy and then I guess I will eat anything that I can stand!

    I've been doing Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30, do you guys think that's safe to do still? At some point, I'm sure my stomach will get in the way, but for now?
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Yes, it's safe. I've hear that you can continue your workout program. If you have complications, or are unually tired, I'd relax a bit, but it is really good for you to remain active. :)
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member

    As far as fitness and nutrition go, what were the first changes you made to your routine? Immediately, I know I need to drink more water and cut back on the caffeine (which I needed to do anyway!). I tend to eat a lot of frozen meals for lunch- Healthy Choice and the like- are those something I should steer clear of?

    More water, less caffeine, yes. I think also higher carbs becomes a thing, depending on what your ratios were before. I used to be a drinker, and thought I would miss it, but beer/wine doesn't even smell good at this point. There are certain things you're not supposed to eat now, cold deli meat, stuff like that. Also, micro nutrient requirements are different, but that's generally covered by your prenatal vit.

    As for fitness, most say you can continue what you did before if you have no complications, but at a lower intensity. I'm still lifting, but not as frequently and way lower weight.

    Hi everyone i'm so excited about this group. I took a test this wknd and it was positive!!:smile: I confirmed it at the clinic yesterday, I'm just 7 wks almost 8 wks with a due date for March 14th!!:love: I am beyond happy and feeling so blessed!! This is my 3rd pregnancy, my two girls are 13 & 12 and we have been trying for another baby for 7 years!! This is an answer to prayer for sure!!

    @HealthyBodySi...I'm just curious about the not eating cold deli meat comment, can you give me more info on this? I don't remember this from my past pregnancies.

    Thank you :wink:
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    The cold deli meat thing is apparently a risk for listeria (a bacteria). They recommend that you heat your cold cuts in the microwave before eating (or you could put your sandwich in the toaster oven or panini maker). Some women eat cold's really up to you.

    I'm jealous that you didn't even find out until you were 7 weeks or so. My all day sickness just kick in yesterday at 5+4 and I hate it!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Wow. According to my diary I just had a 758 cal lunch. And I still feel both starved and nauseous.

    Luckily, I have my snack drawer at work.
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome new ladies! I'm glad there's more of us posting here.

    Healthy - Yep, I'm with you on being hungry and nauseous at the same time.

    1 week as of today until my first u/s. I wish it were today!! My food aversions are weird this time. I'm finding that apples are gross (and I LOVE apples).

    Also, I went up 2 lbs today. Really weird as I didn't eat a lot yesterday (yogurt and fruit for lunch). I'm hoping it's just water weight. I'm having some lemon in hot water... I heard that helps with water retention.
  • AniyahsMommy324
    AniyahsMommy324 Posts: 104 Member
    I just recently found out I'm pregnant, due March 28! :) I'm super excited, but really nervous too. My last pregnancy ended in a full term stillbirth. I'm hoping for a healthy, active pregnancy this time! :)
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    My husband was complaining yesterday that even though he didn't do a lot at work, he was unreasonably tired and feeling sort of nauseous. I laughed at him for like five minutes straight and told him he was having sympathy preggo symptoms. He didn't believe me that that was a real thing.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    Hope everyone is feeling good, sending lots of sticky vibes to those of you with previous losses. ++++++++++
  • melbelair
    melbelair Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all! Expecting baby #3 March 31 /14. Although we weren't really trying not to conceive I was still a bit surprised. Didn't get a chance to hit my goal weight beforehand so I'm very nervous about weight gain. Need to work hard to keep fit this time around. :wink: anyone else in the same boat?
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey ladies. Not so good news here.

    This weekend my symptoms went away. I was extremely upset on Sunday, and pretty sure that things were not going well. I had my OB ultrasound appointment today. So, the baby was only measuring 6.5 weeks. I should be 8w4d. The doctor didn't see a heartbeat. She said she wouldn't expect to see a heartbeat if the baby really is that early though. She asked if my periods were regular (they are - usually 28 days, and maybe twice a year they are 30 days). I told her my symptoms had gone away the past few days. She said she still doesn't want to call it yet though. (I do - I'm sure I will miscarry) She's having me take hcg and progesterone blood tests today and Friday (yay more tracks on my arms haha), and then will have me come back next week for another ultrasound no matter how the hcg is looking to see if there's any growth progress. Anyways, I do agree that she's doing the right thing - I know that some cycles do vary, and I know growth rates vary, but I really don't think that's the case for me. The baby could be a little smaller, but 2 weeks smaller is too much of a deviation for me. There was a nice 6.5-week sack and baby... so that was at least nice to see. I'm sure I'll miscarry though. The lack of symptoms is kindof a give-away to me. My husband and I will try again, although I'm sure I'll probably have to go to a fertility doctor for tests etc.

    So, I most likely won't be posting again. Good luck to the rest of you all with your pregnancies!! Happy and healthy 9 months.
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Hey ladies. Not so good news here.

    This weekend my symptoms went away. I was extremely upset on Sunday, and pretty sure that things were not going well. I had my OB ultrasound appointment today. So, the baby was only measuring 6.5 weeks. I should be 8w4d. The doctor didn't see a heartbeat. She said she wouldn't expect to see a heartbeat if the baby really is that early though. She asked if my periods were regular (they are - usually 28 days, and maybe twice a year they are 30 days). I told her my symptoms had gone away the past few days. She said she still doesn't want to call it yet though. (I do - I'm sure I will miscarry) She's having me take hcg and progesterone blood tests today and Friday (yay more tracks on my arms haha), and then will have me come back next week for another ultrasound no matter how the hcg is looking to see if there's any growth progress. Anyways, I do agree that she's doing the right thing - I know that some cycles do vary, and I know growth rates vary, but I really don't think that's the case for me. The baby could be a little smaller, but 2 weeks smaller is too much of a deviation for me. There was a nice 6.5-week sack and baby... so that was at least nice to see. I'm sure I'll miscarry though. The lack of symptoms is kindof a give-away to me. My husband and I will try again, although I'm sure I'll probably have to go to a fertility doctor for tests etc.

    So, I most likely won't be posting again. Good luck to the rest of you all with your pregnancies!! Happy and healthy 9 months.

    I am so sorry to 'hear' this. My heart goes out to you and your husband!! Stay strong, stay faithful, God only knows what He has planned for you! God bless!
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hey ladies. Not so good news here.

    This weekend my symptoms went away. I was extremely upset on Sunday, and pretty sure that things were not going well. I had my OB ultrasound appointment today. So, the baby was only measuring 6.5 weeks. I should be 8w4d. The doctor didn't see a heartbeat. She said she wouldn't expect to see a heartbeat if the baby really is that early though. She asked if my periods were regular (they are - usually 28 days, and maybe twice a year they are 30 days). I told her my symptoms had gone away the past few days. She said she still doesn't want to call it yet though. (I do - I'm sure I will miscarry) She's having me take hcg and progesterone blood tests today and Friday (yay more tracks on my arms haha), and then will have me come back next week for another ultrasound no matter how the hcg is looking to see if there's any growth progress. Anyways, I do agree that she's doing the right thing - I know that some cycles do vary, and I know growth rates vary, but I really don't think that's the case for me. The baby could be a little smaller, but 2 weeks smaller is too much of a deviation for me. There was a nice 6.5-week sack and baby... so that was at least nice to see. I'm sure I'll miscarry though. The lack of symptoms is kindof a give-away to me. My husband and I will try again, although I'm sure I'll probably have to go to a fertility doctor for tests etc.

    So, I most likely won't be posting again. Good luck to the rest of you all with your pregnancies!! Happy and healthy 9 months.

    I am so sorry to 'hear' this. My heart goes out to you and your husband!! Stay strong, stay faithful, God only knows what He has planned for you! God bless!

    I'm so sorry. I hope it's just that you're not as far along as you thought. Keep us updated.
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 368 Member
    Ladies ... We are closing in on the end of our first trimester! I don't know about you but these have been the longest 3 months ever! I can't wait for the 12 week ultrasound just to see the bub and make sure everything is okay!