Hi there, I'm new

I have been on Fitness Pal for sometime but never thought about joining a group. However, I thought that talking with others who are also working on losing weight might be helpful to me, so here I am. I am female, 63, college professor, and need to lose about 30 pounds. I have lost count of the number of times I have tried to lose weight! It does get much harder as you get older. I would welcome suggestions from anyone who has been succeeding in losing weight! I have tried all the diets, and now I am back to a low calorie diet, and trying to work in more exercise. So, here goes.....Suslova2


  • Hi I am 49 and a diabetic. I have been on mfp for a while but like you never thought of adding a group. If you would like to be friends let me k now. I too am looking for support.