
sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
Hello fellow team mates! Let's start by introducing ourselves, of course. Who are you and what are your goals? How are you planning to reach them?

I'm Diana, I currently live in Texas. I've been heavy all my life and have been on and off exercising and counting calories with MFP for years. I've never really tried too hard to reach out and form a support network before though, so this is me trying!

My goal is to loose 25 lbs within a year. I have a 2 year old daughter and I want to be healthy for her and have a healthy, strong, body before trying to have a 2nd baby.

I'm currently starting C25k over again, I got to about week 5 or 6 before but stopped when it got cold. Starting from scratch again is the best way to keep at it, because it starts out nice and easy. Since that is 3 times a wk, I try to swim or do the elliptical on off days.

I can't wait to hear about everyone else and have high hopes for everyone's future!


  • patrices1164
    patrices1164 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Patrice here
    I am from Maryland. I am on the newer side of 50 and my metabolism has quit working- ugh! I quit smoking September 2015 and since have packed on 25 lbs that I could not afford to gain.
    I know the 25 lbs plus the additional 15 lbs will not fall off naturally, but I believe I need to retrain myself with food and my relationship with same. I need to be accountable to myself but need help and decided to reopen my MFP.
    In addition to MFP, I am making a promise to myself to use the free gym we have on site where I work (yes I said free gym- AT WORK, with showers and all the amenities).
    I don't recognize myself any more and need to get back to seeing a familiar, trimmer me in the mirror.
    Diana- I did the C25K a few years back, using a treadmill. I don't think I am equipped to run, but I may get back to it once I shed a few lbs! I have always wanted to be a runner, I just kind of stink at it.
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    Welcome Patrice! Let me start off by saying congratulations on quitting smoking, that is no easy task. Even though you had an unwanted side affect, it shows that you are someone will a strong willpower and able to achieve your personal goals. I think it was a comedian (maybe Mitch Hedberg?) that once said quitting smoking is as hard as starting to floss regularly. Personally, I have never been able to get myself to floss regularly (unless I'm maybe 2 weeks away from a dentist appointment) so I admire your accomplishment!

    When are you planning on using the gym, during lunch break or before/after work? We can check in throughout the day to make sure we're following our plan. Back when I worked at a company which had an on site gym, I found that trying to fit in eating and working out during lunch was a squeeze, but totally doable in 1 hour (complete with shower). Sometimes the more time constrained you are, the better use you make of that time.

    I totally know that feeling of not recognizing yourself. I feel like that when I see a full body photo. Even if I'm looking in the mirror everyday, it almost becomes second habit and I don't pay attention. But then when I see a picture and I'm like "is that what I look like?!" It's a wake up call. I recently attended a graduation ceremony for my husband and I bought a cute dress, wore makeup and heels, straightened my hair and everything, and when I looked in the mirror I thought I looked great. But then I saw a photo of the two of us and I was like, "wow how did I not notice how round I look in that dress?" It's all about perspective, and your own perspective is the most important.
  • satynbreann
    satynbreann Posts: 1 Member
    I gained around 29 pounds very quickly due to the fact that my mother has been ill and I've been super stressed I'm wanting to lose 10 pounds by June 6 when I go to visit my dream college so I can feel great and be in optimal physical condition
  • jessicab0625
    jessicab0625 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm on my third round of losing 60 pounds of pregnancy weight...and my baby is almost 2. I have 25 pounds to go, and I'd love to lose 15 by June 6 when I go on a cruise with my husband so I don't want to die when I put on a swimsuit!
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    I gained around 29 pounds very quickly due to the fact that my mother has been ill and I've been super stressed I'm wanting to lose 10 pounds by June 6 when I go to visit my dream college so I can feel great and be in optimal physical condition

    Welcome! Stress can be brutal, I've always admired people that can take that negativity and turn it into positivity through physical training or focus or endurance instead of turning to pizza and cake. Good luck, you sound like you have a whole host of things to look forward to, not just visiting your dream college, but feeling confident and proud of your accomplishments when starting college. Let's keep up with your daily, weekly, and overall goals together!
  • sweetdianachka
    sweetdianachka Posts: 318 Member
    Hi! I'm on my third round of losing 60 pounds of pregnancy weight...and my baby is almost 2. I have 25 pounds to go, and I'd love to lose 15 by June 6 when I go on a cruise with my husband so I don't want to die when I put on a swimsuit!

    Congratulations on what you have already accomplished, and with little ones at home it is never easy! Finding time to plan meals, exercise, and be a mom is no small task, but it looks like you have a clear goal in mind. Knowing how husbands are, I'm sure he will not care what you look like in a bathing suit, but what's more important is how you feel and your own journey to get there is centered on being your best possible self. Good luck, and let's share some of our milestones along the way!