100% Challenge - I’ve Got the Power - Mon 4/11 to Sun 5/22 - Join Anytime!

RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups
This is a 6 week challenge.
It runs from Monday, April 11, 2016 to May 22, 2016

The rules are very simple:
Use NS FOODS (or equivalent of your own foods following the NS guidelines)
100% water means at least 64 ounces
100% food & water every day.
*** 100% food means your NS foods for the day and all the add-ins on the NS Plan or
Staying on plan using NS Foods or using equivalent foods or all of Your foods that meet the plan requirements***
* For each day post your 100% in red bold along with the date so it's easier to update the spreadsheet.
(Example: 100% 01/19/2016 or NOT 100% 01/19/2016 )
* Exercise 3x/week but we won't track exercise; that is up to you.
* Post as often as you can! DAILY is BEST!
* Have fun, ask questions, answer questions, help where you can, give support...get support!
* Weigh-in day is SUNDAY (if you need a different day, just let us know)
Post your weigh-in, how much you lost or gained or if you maintained.
(example: WEIGH-IN: 180.2 or Lost 1.5 pounds)
* Set a goal of what you want to lose over the next 6 weeks.
(many of us make a ticker to track our progress)


"Welcome" to new challengers and "Welcome Back" to those returning to the 100% Challenge.

Welcome to Day 1 of our new 6-week challenge to show that We’ve Got the Power!

There’s something positively invigorating about spring and a new challenge. Perhaps it’s the ever-so-slight warming of the average temperature or the fresh green sprigs starting to make their way through the softening ground? Or maybe it’s the promise of long, fun-filled summer nights ahead? Whatever the reason (and we love them all!), we’re thrilled to usher in the change that this season brings each year.

Many of you have pushed through January, February, and March and here we are. You’re either just getting started on your goal or you’re still more determined than ever to continue towards your goal or maintain your success! Your resolve, your will to succeed, your ability to learn, adjust and grow along the way—it’s all part of your personal weight loss journey. And with every lesson learned, every pound lost, every non-scale victory you’ve achieved, you’ve surely earned some bragging rights, no matter where you’re at in your journey. And if you’re just starting out, you will earn lots of bragging rights too.

So we’re calling for a celebration to kick off our new challenge! Take a moment to envision the successes we’re all going to have, the changes we’re going to make, for our health and our future. Sure, there will be some challenges ahead, maybe a few bumps in the road that you’ll need to cruise over and more lessons to take stock in and move forward with. But for now, just take a little time to congratulate yourself for being here.

Now let's see how many of us can be 100% every day!!


  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/11/2016 100%

    A rainy start to the day outside, wet & Gloomy near 60 degrees however, I was comfortable in Two t-Shirts and rain gear :) 7.3k steps.

    Not much on my agenda beyond looking at the source VHS I captured to see if it needs to be re-captured with different settings as the image is washed out.

    I just got the confirmation email that my NS order has processed. No tracking number yet, For this one they can take their time as I still have more than enough on hand and could not delay the order further.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/12/2016 100%

    It was down around 40 when I started out the door + 7.2K steps. By the time I got home I was feeling a little warm and had unzipped the Hoodie. No Rain in the forecast for until next Tuesday unless there is a change.

    I did get a email with a tracking number that said my NS shipment had shipped, specifically it said "Good news! The ready-to-go portion of your Nutrisystem order is on its way and will soon arrive"
    I am guessing that since the tracking number is not active yet that it should come tomorrow as this email is time stamped 8AM :)

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/13/2016 100%

    I was warm enough when I started out the door, then the Sun went behind some clouds and it was chilly for most of the walk, I ended up under-dressed somewhat due to the warmth of the Sun when I started.

    No Rain in the forecast until at least next week at some point, that means I need to get out and water the newly planted plants. The Blackberry bush is showing some growth as is one of the 10 Raspberry plants. Nothing on the rest of them or the Trees yet. Fingers Crossed.

    Tracking shows 6:55 am On FedEx vehicle for delivery for my NS Ready To Go foods. Whee, I guess I know what I'll be doing later, checking it for shortages.

    Have a Really Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/14/2016 100%

    8300 steps so far, I picked up my coffee, cashed a check and Bought Fuji Apples at the grocery Store. The weather seems to be slightly warmer today compared to Yesterday. I am still listening to Boston Blackie while walking. I dug out so more records to convert through the computer, Mainly Old Time Radio Shows.

    Link of the Day

    I suspect I will be getting the Frozen portion of my NS order later today. I go the call saying it will be delivered in the next three days, only once have I had the call and it did not come later that day.

    Have a Good Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/15/2016 Not 100%

    Another Day another walk 9.2k steps, I think I forgot to mention I did find a badly corroded penny Thursday & Friday. I wasn't sure what I had Until I scrubbed them :)

    With stops at the drugstore, Acme, and Gas Station, Gas station for the car and Tiller + Mower, That makes $60 and change spent. Acme for some frozen breakfast Entrees that are on sale at $2.49 or Buy for and pay $1.99 each. Then a Coupon for $2 off of 6 that I can use next visit. If I make that visit by Thursday I can get 6 at $1.99 each and then take an additional $2 off making it basically 6 for $10.

    Does that make me cheap or frugal? :)
    Right now I am listening to Boston Blackie while walking with more of them to go and sitting here a Capture of a Old Time Radio Record of the Andrews Sisters Radio Show. The one I am listening to is from during the War years. Bing Crosby & Gabby Hayes.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/16/2016 100%

    I had a good walk, 7900 steps + 20 Cents :) It was in the 40s when I started out and I took of the light jacket on the return leg as I was getting too warm under it.

    The new Carburetor for the Lawn Mower was delivered yesterday so that is next on the agenda after Breakfast. The Cost for a new one was the same as the parts to rebuild the old one. Darned things are plastic. The Tiller Carb was worth rebuilding so that is what we did with it.

    Grass needs to be shortened so the question is see if the mower will run first, The main problem is hard starting or change it first. Decisions, decisions :)

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/17/2016 100%
    I guess its just me, oh well

    I found one penny on today's walk, it was warmer than yesterday and I was overdressed despite wearing one layer less. Today is forecast to be in the high 70s to 80 degrees :) It seems early to me for these temperatures here in NJ, I could also be wrong.

    I changed the carburetor yesterday morning, then I mowed the front and side lawns, the back grass did not really need it.

    I watered the garden too. Two of the three Apple trees have started to leaf out as have more of the Raspberry plants. The Onion plants are growing pretty good too.

    Have a Good Upcoming Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/18/2016 100%

    Another day another walk + 25 cents & 8,500 steps.

    I have been DVR'ing shows off of the GETTV channel.
    Note that getTV is now available nationwide on DISH channel 373!
    About Us
    getTV is Sony Pictures Television’s newest network that shows classic film and television through the 1970’s. Remember back to a time when the West was won, stories were epic, and characters were legends. From the studio that brought you the golden age of the silver screen, comes getTV. Anchored by Sony’s library of over 3,500 films, getTV brings viewers award-winning favorites as well as rare TV series, giving audiences a new way to experience all-time favorites. Get classic. getTV.
    Last Night I finished watching the Crime Doctor Movie I started earlier,
    The Crime Doctor's Warning (1945)
    The Crime Doctor must prove the innocence of an artist accused of murdering his model during one of his blackout spells.
    , then watched part of the Judy Garland TV Show, I also recorded two Dolly TV Shows (Dolly Parton). I am getting it on My Satellite TV System.

    For instance in Atalanta it shows Atlanta it on WUVG (Broadcast) 34.3, CHARTER 195. Boston (Manchester) on WUTF (Broadcast) 66.3, CHARTER 187, RCN 70, TIME WARNER CABLE 110/1285, VERIZON FiOS 489.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/19/2016 100%

    I got out walking by 7:25AM, It was a bit chilly outbound and I was thinking maybe I should have added a layer then on the return part of the loop I was thinking I wish I had on less layer, I'm never happy :) I also found 1 whole Chuck E Cheese Token while walking.

    I got a few more things done yesterday, We cleaned the refrigerator, and I pulled the gizmo we put the dishes in to drain out of the one side of the sink and cleaned the Sink.

    My brother baked a Cheesecake and as the chief taster in residence I know I'll be eating some today.

    I turned on the water to start watering the garden on my return from my walk, Currently 5 of the 11 berry plants and two of the 3 Apple trees are leafing out.

    I got the Phone call that the replacement item(s) for my missing frozen has shipped. It should arrive today, Whee!

    Have a Nice Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/20/2016 Not 100%

    I was Not 100% Wednesday, I had a Chinese Pork Broccoli Lunch Special and My Brothers Home Made Cheesecake for Dessert :blush:

    No money found today while walking, It was somewhat colder than yesterday so I wore more layers on the outbound leg, I ended up Shedding on the Inbound leg as it warmed up outside. Nice looking day so far, It is somewhat hard to believe rain is in the forecast for later.

    Have a Nice Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/21/2016 100%

    I dropped off two wedges of the Home made Cheesecake and a couple of other things to get rid of temptation at friends. All that is left of the Cheesecake is two wedges in the freezer awaiting a friend to drop by for them. Since they are earmarked they are safe :)

    I stopped by the Grocery Store on the way home 9600+ Steps, I picked up a three pound bag of "Seedless Candy Mandy brand Clementines, Three Bananas since with the warmer weather they are ripening quicker, Fuji & Red Delicious (On Sale) Apples for my SmartCarbs.

    It was T-Shirt Weather today, 60 degrees at 7:30AM. My Brother said I was overdressed due to the long pants :)

    I had mentioned corroded coins I found on my walks, Today was no exception, One Shiny Penny and one corroded penny. Image attached of some of the finds from April.

    Music of the Day
    The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Acapella by Jesi and the Jessies

    Have a Great End of the Workweek (Friday)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/22/2016 Not 100%

    When I checked the weather report at 7AM it was showing that my area is in a clear spot with rain to the east and west so I decided to go walking + 1 Cent and 8900 steps :) It did drizzle for a few blocks on the outbound leg so I popped up the umbrella and ended up furling it and hanging it back on the Backpack for the rest of the walk.

    I swung by the Grocery Store for a Box of breakfast cereal, I had intended to look at the Puffed Wheat and see if it would work for NS, Strangely I did not see it or Puffed Rice, I did pick up the Post Shredded Wheat Bite Size, it is 210 calories for 55 grams so I figure I can reduce the serving size to get it in the proper range of calories.

    I may have to water tomorrow as so far the weather report is showing 0.05 inches of rain, it will depend on if and how much more comes today.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/23/2016 100%

    Despite trying to maintain I did not succeed :), I was down 1/2 pound since last Sundays weigh in.

    Not to much to say, I was walking 8600 steps, And I stopped at the dollar store for two quarts of milk to put on the pantry shelf to use with my breakfast cereals. I think I'll manage to use them before they expire March 16, 2017. The Nice thing is 8 ounces is 100 calories even though they are 1% milk.

    The Weather this morning started off 23 degrees cooler than Yesterday, By the time I was on my homeward bound leg of the walk I shed the Outer layer, flannel jacket, it had warmed up that much that quickly :)

    Tomorrow I will be eating my last Banana so Tuesday will be stop at the Grocery store or Produce store on my walk for more, I have four Apples left so they are good until I use the last one Wednesday at one a day.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited April 2016

    04/24/2016 100%

    I decided to pick up my bananas today since there is a possibility of rain for tomorrow + 8700 Steps. While I was there I picked up some black Plums, I still have four days of apples in the refrigerator as well as 3 days of Clementines and I wanted a change. I was thinking of the Pears, however they were riper than I like so I got the plums instead. The Weather was great 50+ when I left the house at 7:20, I am starting to see Bearded Iris in bloom. I have not seen any Dutch Iris in years however.

    As I sit here I can hear my brother mowing, we alternate weeks to spread the load out.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/25/2016 100%

    I walked 8700 steps + 3 Cents today :) I was out early today and the overnight rain was gone long enough that the Streets & Sidewalks were drying out. More rain in the forecast for later today. It was in the 50s at the time I left the house. No need to water anything today. More rain in the forecast for later Thursday into Friday. So far it looks like I'll be dry for Wednesday & Thursdays walk, Not sure about Friday yet as that will depend on when the rain ends.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/26/2016 100%

    It was two degrees cooler this morning, Not to bad for walking + 8600 steps, I was slightly chilled when I started out until I warmed up, Lots of clouds so far. Three Stops today, Post Office, 7-Eleven & the Dollar Store for a quart of whole milk good until March 27, 2017 at 150 calories per 8 oz portion and of course $1 per quart. That makes it 150 calories for 8 ounces vs 100 calories for the 1% and 120 calories for the 2%. I have three quarts of the 1%, 2 on the shelf and one chilled for use with today's Breakfast cereal. The Whole Milk is in case my Brother who will not use anything less needs some milk in his cooking.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/27/2016 100%

    7800 steps today + 5 Cents. I picked up Bananas, Apples & Plums etc. at the Grocery Store on the inbound leg of my walk. It was around the same temperature as yesterday too. Some rain in the forecast, The Weather report showed around .1 inches expected to fall.

    Rototiller use in the near future after I have my breakfast shortly :) While I till the plan is for my brother to dig the raised garden beds in the back yard.

    Have a Nice Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/28/2016 Not 100%

    8400 steps today, Slightly chilly so I wore and extra light layer. In my area yesterdays rain seems to have been a non event. When I looked out the window at 7PM the street was wet but under the trees it was still dry and the rain had stopped. Todays forecast is for some rain later, once again that mythical .1 inch of it. Currently we are near a 6 inch rainfall deficit for April.

    No Tilling yesterday as my brother was not in the mood, maybe today.

    While I was walking Yesterday the Boston Blackie show was from the War Years, I know for two reasons :)
    The show was about Blackie breaking up a Nazi ring that was sending departure information to Submarines regarding the sailing of Convoys and a commercial looking for Sailors to man the Merchant marine fleet to carry goods to the war.

    Have a Nice End of the Week Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/29/2016 100%

    8400 Steps + I found a nice shiny quarter during my walk. Today is a dark and dreary outside and the forecast for Sunday is for rain.

    I got the Roto-tilling done yesterday while my brother dug the raised growing beds. Today looks like a planting day. The Two Rhubarb plants were delivered yesterday and their are some other plants coming today. If We get them planted today the rain overnight into Sunday should water them in nicely. After todays delivery the only plants left to be delivered will be the Sweet Potato plants. All of the Raspberry plants are leafed out as are the three Columnar Apple Trees, Two of the Apple trees are leafed out enough that they are either in bloom or showing flower buds. The Third one was slower to leaf out so who knows if it will bloom too Two kinds of a Red Apple and One Yellow Apple planted. We have a Shady spot earmarked for the Rhubarb plants that should work fine. I remember that my grandparents Rhubarb plants were in a shady spot under a Fruit tree.

    Have a Nice Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    04/30/2016 100%

    I woke up early and decided to try and beat the rain that is in the forecast, It had started to drizzle by the time I reached the Quick Chek for my coffee so obviously I did not beat the rain. I put up the umbrella on the way back out the door and ended up with 7900 steps and somewhat tired from being up early :)

    We got another shipment of plants yesterday and put them in the ground right away so that they could be well watered in by todays rain. One Fig Tree and on Reisling Pixie Grape and supposed to ship in May are the Sweet Potatoes. The grape is supposed to stay small and
    Pixie® Grapes
    Also called dwarf grapes

    Grow miniature clusters of wine grapes in as little as 12 weeks! These dwarf grape vines mature into compact, 18- to 24-inch tall plants with an 8- to 12-inch spread. Pixie® Grapes are natural dwarf grapes — not genetically modified or genetically engineered. Whether you choose to grow these dwarf grapes outdoors or in containers indoors, a simple trellis helps to keep them upright under the weight of fruit clusters. These grape varieties are ideal for juices and wines, but can be eaten fresh for a quick, convenient snack. They also make a great gift for do-it-yourself wine connoisseurs! And, if limited space has previously kept you from growing your own wine grapes, raise your glass to Pixie® Grape vines — perfect for patios, balconies, and other small spaces.
    Have a Great Sunday