Has anyone started?

I started T25 on Monday and so far I am really enjoying it and feel it is a really good workout. Tomorrow will end Week 1 for me.


  • disneyfn
    disneyfn Posts: 6
    I have done a few of the DVDs and relaly like them but am officially starting the program today. I knew I wouldn't be able to do good with my eating during the holiday weekend so waited until today to start everything.
  • disneyfn
    disneyfn Posts: 6
    I have done a few of the DVDs and really like them but am officially starting the program today. I knew I wouldn't be able to do good with my eating during the holiday weekend so waited until today to start everything.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Officially Started on Monday. I am loving it I average about 300 + calorie burn with each workout....today was an exception and I was at 275, but I will make up for it. I am sweating about 5 minutes into the workout....Awesome!
  • brandyme
    brandyme Posts: 400 Member
    I haven't started yet. I am doing P90X Lean right now, but once I am done I will be doing T25. I plan to start October 21st. Hope to find a challenge at that time. :)