Take up running they said, it's a cheap form of exercise they said!!



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @WhatMeRunning You must have better blood supply to your brain.

    I can not do math and run. I swear my head will explode. The voices start arguing, pushing and shoving for the floor. I fear it'll escalate to someone getting shanked or capped. It's absolutely maddening.

    So we'll just look at the pretty flowers.
    Actually, I find I struggle with math a lot more when running. I'm just accustomed to always crunching numbers in my head and find I still do that while running. It's kind of funny because I'll be stuck working on one relatively simple problem in my head for a good mile in some cases due to the strain of running preventing my brain from operating efficiently for math. But I still do it. Odds are I'm way off and think running is way more expensive than it is. I could check right now but I'm afraid to verify if those numbers might actually be correct! :lol: Recently I was trying to figure out something, I think it was on my last half marathon, perhaps trying to estimate my finish time. I had to give up!! I was pushing hard at that point though, pushing for a PR.

    Glad to know I am not the only one. Being a perpetual number cruncher can be a serious problem when left alone for miles of running with a constant stream of data being fed through my Garmin. But it always cracks me up when I am doing speed work, especially on the treadmill. As my interval speed increases, I lose my ability to work things out in my head and that is when I know I am nearing my threshold!
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