Smell the roses!!! Buy some too! 7/5

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

How do you make sure you rest, enjoy living not just surviving, get through the hum drums? I find I rush to church, work, meetings, events sometimes I get so frustrated! Can we enjoy anything w/o rushing and thinking of the next thing?? This article exclaims exactly what I feel!

Enjoy this time!



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I don't exactly lie on the grass and watch the clouds (I can do that from my bedroom porch) but as odd as it sounds this is why I like to walk/jog outside at the Causeway (a brige that leads to a state park that has a paved trail for pedestrians) every once in a while I'll see dolphins out in the Gulf and just have to watch (one time another lady and I spent our entire walk time standing next to each other watching the antics of two baby dolphins while the mama dolphins swam nearby, we didn't know each other and never spoke other than when she asked what I was stopped looking at and I said "the dolphins" and to laugh over that we both stopped and spent an hour just standing there watching instead of doing our walks)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I think that was the sweetest moment! A very human moment where two people connect! It was not even about 'knowing' each other but seeing real life in action! All of God's creation marveling at each other! Oh how precious to see those babies with their mama! I think that was amazing! My heart is full now!:smile: