Feeling so down

tahliakate162 Posts: 29 Member
Just been to my orthapaedic surgeon appointment, it hurt so much when he pressed on the bone on the outer side of my knee. The MRI showed arthritis and slight tears in my cartilage. I've had zero negative inflammatory arthritis (nothing shows up in my blood), now I actually have proof of the arthritis.

I feel really down and sad. I used to gym all the time and go out dancing for hours. Now i can't either because I'm in so much pain, and I've put on lots of weight since the pain started.

Ive been trying different meds for two years now and it isn't helping. I just feel like I'll never get rid of the pain and be able to do the things I used to love.

Need some support or inspiration right now from people who know what I'm going through. Sorry for my wingey post haha :/


  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I know what you're going through, I don't have arthritis but I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and have bad joint pain, I had to give up on my dream of going back to my old exercise routine as it was causing too much pain each time I tried to go back to it. I put on so much weight when I couldn't exercise but I did manage to lose 10lbs through diet alone before I joined MFP and have lost a further 6lbs using the app. I'm now trying different forms of exercise to see what I can manage and through trial and error am starting to find things that I'm able to enjoy and are making my muscles stronger again without making the pain worse. Don't give up but do realise that you have to make changes to what you do. You will find things you can still do and enjoy, it just may take some time and maybe some changes to how you do them or how long you do them for.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I'm sorry @Mel! Pain is terribly depressing! I don't believe there is a medication that truly helps, nor gets to the root cause (inflammation). Just know that processed foods, vegetable oils, and artificial sweeteners can add to the inflammation/pain! I hope you feel better!

    Btw: I'm 9 pounds away from a normal BMI, and I've done it without regular exercise!
  • e9196tep
    e9196tep Posts: 57 Member
    I get it. RA here. You are in the right place. Keeping a food log can be eye opening. The only ppl that get how you feel are ppl who are actually in your predicament. There are peaks and valleys with inflammatory pain but take heart my dear. You will work through this and the sun will shine again.