Monsters University

d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
Monsters, Inc. is not my favorite Pixar movie, but it's not my least favorite either. That being said, I didn't think the prequel was as good as the original. It was essentially "Revenge of the Nerds" for kids. It does have lots of in-jokes for fans of the original and even hints at an answer as to why the Yeti was banished.

One thing that bugged me a bit, I'm huge on continuity and (having just seen Monsters, Inc. the day before I went to see this one) I noticed that in MI, Mike says to Sully "You've been jealous of my good looks since the 4th grade." This is towards the beginning of the movie, as they are on their way to work. But MU establishes that Mike and Sully met in college.


  • ltgarrow
    ltgarrow Posts: 342 Member
    How do we know that in the Monsters universe 4th grade sin't college???

    Multiverse theory...just sayin.