stop the weight creep

nedia00 Posts: 2 Member
Lost a good amount of weight in the past 3 months, eating clean, unprocessed food mostly and with regular exercise, and now I watch myself slipping back into bad eating habits and not exercising as regularly as I used to. How stupid is that? So I want to get back to eating right w/o depriving myself and up the exercise so the pounds can melt off again.
I am 5'10 and yo-yoing between 190 and 204 lbs, I want to be at 185lbs, that's my happy weight, where I feel I am svelte, good looking, all my clothes fit me and I have my curves at the right place.
I also want to be toned and defined, not like an athlete but my arms and legs essentially and keep flat abs, gave in and did a tummy tuck a few years ago(2010) and it was the best thing I have ever done, no matter how much I gain, my stomach is always the last place I gain and the first place I loose, I love seeing it get flat again as soon as I start working out and eating cleaner and no more love handles, my clothes fit just right.
On the other hand, my thighs are my problem area, have always been beside my tummy bulge and love handles(pre TT). I have to watch out how much I gain otherwise they swell and swell and my pants start getting tight, which I hate as I have a corporate job and wear a lot of slacks and cropped pants(my style), I like them to fall just right over my thighs and behind.
Lastly I want to be fit, to run marathons, to play basketball with my son, to go about life light and vigorous and sleep well at night, have tons of energy, be a role model for my kids.
So no choice here, got to get back on the fitness train and it's a combination of weight loss, eating habits and overall fitness. whenever I travel for work is when I binge, I have to control the post travel diet, I don't want to give up relaxing my diet while traveling, I just need to promptly get back on course after.