Amazing Race "My Achievements"



  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    edited April 2016
    I failed at my posted goals of drinking more water and working on my core muscles. I drink lots of water however I can't seem to hit the challenge goal. I've kept running and have had no interest in adding other exercises.

    But, and this is a big one, not only did I blow past my weight loss goal for the challenge I'm now 0.8lbs from my final goal weight. I never stated this as a goal because I have control of what I eat I don't have control of the day it shows coming off on the scale and I didn't want to jinx it. However, weight loss has always been my #1 goal.

    The best part of this challenge is the accountability and having a team to share successes and trying new things. I also loved the nutritional challenges. Because of the omega-3 week I've added nut butters. I had thought nuts too calorie dense to fit in my goal. However, I learned that a BBJ and an apple might be a small meal for me but it keeps me full for hours.
  • dawnsch1995
    dawnsch1995 Posts: 97 Member
    My goal when we started this challenge was to become more active and eat better so I could feel better! I definitely feel so much better no more heartburn and stomach bloat!! I am challenging myself to reach my exercise goals and that has paid off as well! Definitely lost inches & weight and have more energy!! I also love the help and support I get from my team and everyones post help me know we are all in this together!
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Nutritionally I have improved the variety of foods I eat and have added more vegetables to my daily intake. My snacking habits have been curbed, and I have replaced hot tamales & cookies with Almonds & celery or aplles with peanut butter and ...cookies occasionally, but oatmeal instead of chocolate chip :smile: and I don't have them on hand at home, late night snacking has been pineapple, mixed berries (w/o whipped cream) or watermelon.
    Goals - I have truly improved my sleep from avg of 4.5 HR for the week to (OMG) 7.3 HR last week. I feel better, not sure if it is the sleep or the exercise or just being part of something that made me smile & think about stuff besides my little corner if the world. My resting heart rate has dropped a full 12 beats (from 85-73) during the course if the challenge. Really love my Fitbit, it gives me these insights and would tip me off when I got home from work, and helped me push myself to go for walks to a- get my steps in and b- get my minutes/miles for my team.
    My second goal, yes!! Actually getting my wardrobe planned, washed & packed for Hawaii. I pulled out my summer clothes last weekend, some size 8s fitting, 10s are good, 14s too baggy!! I took 2 black trash bags of clothes to salvation army. Tomorrow I am going to shop for a new swimsuit, will probably get a 12 but maybe a 10 will be okay. I have trimmed and toned and I am 100% certain it would not have happened without my team mates ( and competitors) motivation and daily inspiration. Thank you all!!
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    edited April 2016
    My most important achievement in this challenge has been putting more activity into each day. I deliberately park at the far end of the parking lot. I think about ways to add activity to my day. I make myself get out of the chair...if all else fails I do the housework! :) I haven't seen a ton of weight loss yet but I'm a slowstarter. It takes my body a couple of months to get the idea....I know this from gaining and losing the same forty pounds over and over. Maybe this time it will be different. I'm sleeping better, and eating better. I can now turn down something sweet; though I still do like sweets.

    That being said, the four pounds I've lost so far make such a difference. And I know that 24 pounds from now I'll feel younger and more vital. For anyone looking for a visualization, think about 20 lbs of butter sitting on the grocery shelf. Better there than on you.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    I'm away so doing this on the phone and don't have the bells and whistles to cut and paste and such so going to go by memory. Nutrition... I thought I was doing okay before this challenge... my logging showed me how off I was. I have tried to work on making my food better while maintaining my lifestyle. Well... something hit me with a wake up call so let's just say that I have learned alot from the nutrition challenges and plan to execute that in working on my new plan (life throws you a speed bump sometimes to get your attention!)

    My goals included water, nutrition, and sleep. I have so fully incorporated water into my life... no soda, no tea. I drink a small bit of juice and then just water. Don't always get what I want in the day but not due to drinking substitutes! Nutrition.. that logging goal helped with that a bit. Now with needing to get blood pressure back in check, it's even more important and my take away goal for the future. Today was my first low sodium day (and I achieved it at a hotel with all meals eaten out because I track and log!). Sleep.. well let's say it's coming slowly but I know how important I thought it was and with this new hiccup, it is even more important.

    Going forward for next time.. and for life.. nutrition, water and sleep are still goals. They are now more important as I I plan to change my health and my desire to have no worries of meds. In addition, what I thought my goal was going to be (running a 5K) is on hold. Need to get health in check before stressing this mama's heart. So while it was important... not quite as high as it was three weeks ago. Hoping for a really good health check to start this new challenge. If I was not doing this challenge, I would not have been able to have logs to see where and how far I came and to be able to easily show the docs what my life was like and how far I've already changed. BIG THANKS to the leaders of this challenge!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    Like @Melodieccurn I am using "paleo" /a very low sugar /low carb with higher fat to give energy. I have been dilligent for 6 months with great results. No more than 20g sugar a day (ie no fruit nor startchy veg nor grains nor cereals). Last challenge I hit a plateau. This challenge I gained (reintroduce carbs as an experiment to test food intollerances and to fit in socially).

    My achievements are nutritionally finding a likely source of food intollerance is histammines and that gluen, sugars and alcohol all also significantly affect my mood, body tension, stress, sleep plus health. Accountability wise, still being here despite weighing more than when challenge started. Embarassing but also proud that I can see past that to the celebration of being persistant and keep going to finding the healthiest choices for me.

    Thank you to each of you, especially @Melodieccurn for the grace that supports each of us in our journey together
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    edited May 2016
    My goals were to find new workouts that I could do while in PT for my knee and to lose 4 pounds to get to my goal. I have been doing strength workouts for my legs and have tried the bike a few times - which for me is great because when I did it the first day I hated it! I've also got just half a pound to go to get to my goal so I'm doing well there, too! I will be there by the end of the challenge.

    Nutritionally, I've really focused on protein intake and portion control. I'm still working on these, but I've gotten so much better thanks to this challenge!
  • jamacianredhair
    jamacianredhair Posts: 230 Member
    I have successfully lost around 5lbs and kept it off! When I started this challenge I was yo-yoing between 159 and 163 very excited that this challenge had me switching things up in a fun way! I am also posting for my husband buddahboy and he has broken through as well and we are both well on our way to losing this last bit of belly.

    We have also made our own goals with coming up with a weekly workout schedule and meal planning to stick to and also have committed to 9 weeks of no alcohol starting today and ending 4th of July weekend. o:)
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    I stuck with trying new things and thanks I the nutritional challenges I have tried to eat more veggies. I didn't hit my weight loss goal for this challenge missed but 1 pound. Oh well! This challenge was great for getting me to push myself more and to get out of my comfort zone.

    Thank you for this challenge and looking forward to the next one!
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 299 Member
    It was hard getting this weeks exercise min in, knowing it was the last week. I didn't make it but I still managed to get min in each day. I'm just glad I didn't give up. I did not reach any of my weight goal, but I now know, through this challenge what I need to do to get it. I'm not a spring chicken anymore, who can eat whatever, whenever. I really need to take into account every bite that goes into my mouth. I hate tracking, but I know it has to be done. Hopefully I can get it done the next challenge.
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    I wanted to reach my goal weight ( am half a pound away right now) and go to bed earlier... Still working on that one! More sleep is a main priority of mine going forward. I am so proud of the increased amount of exercise which this challenge brought to me! Team 6 helped the sometimes impossible become a reality. Thanks for an Amazing challenge :)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I've enjoyed this challenge and being part of such an awesome team! But I haven't met any of my goals. I'm essentially the same weight as when we started. I've still got 5lbs (at least for now) to go. I know what I need to do, but can't figure out why I seem to be lacking the motivation to do it.
    I'm getting going with tri training. I enjoy the running and swimming, but not so much the biking. I've got to get that going again.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I've partially achieved some of my goals, which were drinking enough water, planning ahead with meals, and adding variety to my workouts. I haven't been too successful with my logging goal. Logging is the first thing that goes when I get crazy busy.
    This challenge has helped me nutritionally by adding variety to my meal choices and planning for leftovers to put in the freezer for busy days. I plan on continuing to try new foods and make extra. Who knew I liked fava bean hummus, (from Egyptian week) or stuffed cabbage leaves? I've lost 5 pounds since starting and am very happy with that, as I've only got 5 more to final goal. These last 10 pounds have been yo-yoing back and forth, so I'm getting there!
  • sukkara
    sukkara Posts: 51 Member
    This challenge has helped to me to exercise more, even when I don't have time, I try to find ways to move. This will make it difficult to come up with excuses for not exercising in the future! I'm definitely drinking more water, which is an achievement. But i haven't lost much weight, part is due to the food choices I've been making lately, I will need to work more on that. Logging is something I still need to stick to. I frequently log the first 2 meals of the day but not continue. Intensity of exercises is also a goal I want to achieve in the near future.
  • lupie777
    lupie777 Posts: 217 Member
    This challenge has furthered my weight loss closer to my goal weight. I lost more than I set my goal at and I'm very proud of that. This was the first time I had a team to be responsible for and I loved it. It made me push myself to be a better role model. To help others stay positive and encouraged. I think I have also tuned up my diet a lot and figured out even more foods my body doesn't like. I have tried new exercises and enjoyed them so much I will add them I when I can. I have been way more conscious of the need for my water intake to replace what I've lost. I'm over all so much stronger than I was in the last challenge. I do know that I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am if I hadn't found @Melodieccurn. Your challenges have truly changed my life and health girl! Thank you just isn't enough! Your and angel!!!!
  • nailpro00
    nailpro00 Posts: 5 Member
    This week was a huge week for me. I have learned during this challenge that I can get back on track. I've learned that exercise is the key along with tracking diligently on my fitness pal. You all have been such a huge support for me and you probably don't even know it. This week I hit my May 10 goal and I am so excited. I feel so good and I look forward to doing just a little bit of exercise that I am doing every day. I haven't committed to much but I have committed.
  • RachaelB11
    RachaelB11 Posts: 24 Member
    This challenge has been great for me. I've been drinking more water and exercising every single day. Which, early on in the year was a big challenge for me. I have also recently given up dairy by the suggestion of others so I'm excited to see where that can take me with my weight loss. I seem to be at a stand still. I have also recently given up alcohol and that has put me a little behind as I attend some classes. I have slowly started sleeping better so I will continue on with that. Thanks for making me stay committed.
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Logging food
    Increase water
    Taking the stairs at work
    Eat more veggies

    To change

    Cut sugar
    Increase exercise minutes
    I did accomplish most of the above until I broke my foot. I feel I stalled in the process. I am struggling a lot right now with hunger and stomach pain.