PCOS Challenge Confidence Grant - To Help Women Suffering Hirsutism, Acne, etc.

KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
edited April 2016 in Social Groups

PCOS Diva has teamed up with PCOS Challenge to offer a series of grants for women with PCOS dealing with hirsutism (unwanted, male-pattern hair growth in women). This is a symptom near and dear to my heart since I struggled with it for all of my adult life until I underwent laser hair removal. The procedure truly helped me regain my self-esteem and confidence. (Now I only need to use the Tria at-home Laser for the occasional stray hair) It is my honor to sponsor this grant that will help other women regain their sense of femininity and happiness. Sasha Ottey, Executive Director of PCOS Challenge, Inc. offered to answer many of the questions that candidates are sure to ask: | Read More on PCOS Diva


Seems like a fabulous opportunity for those who've always hesitated for treatment due to cost! Lots of support things, too.