


  • lls5111
    lls5111 Posts: 16 Member
    Sometimes I lurk sometimes I participate. Bit I love reading about you all
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    It's good to know. People give up and dissapear.
    That's so sad
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    Have you "removed" the offenders?! lol
  • jaxbella14
    jaxbella14 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree with kareesdiet. I don't I don't always have time to comment on here - I don't have great access to the internet at home - I do at work but can't necessarily be on places that takes me away from my job. That being said - I do my best to log my food each day and update my fitbit. I love when I have time to read the blogs and if possible comment. I would suggest before booting anyone - reach out to them - you don't know what may be going on in their personal life and this group may be a safe saving place for them right how.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I'm not able to comment every day as with working full time and 4 kids in activities it's busy around here but I do read and comment when I can. For sure weekly!
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    I don't think anyone minds people just reading the posts, and not feeling like they have anything to comment on, or even that they don't have time.
    Well I don't mind anyway...
    I think it's more the fact that if they don't even make the effort to contribute to the weekly weigh in, then their heart isn't in it at all.

    I don't believe they should be part of the group if they don't do the weigh in - after all, isn't that the cornerstone of everything else in our group?!
  • hoovhome
    hoovhome Posts: 192 Member
    I was without internet access for almost a week and am very glad I wasn't uninvited. :blush: However, I will do my best to participate as often as possible now that I am back to stable internet. During my three separate weeks at scheduled events this summer, I will not be able to post, but will let you know when those will be ahead of time. June 6-10 is the first one.
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    hoovhome wrote: »
    I was without internet access for almost a week and am very glad I wasn't uninvited. :blush: However, I will do my best to participate as often as possible now that I am back to stable internet. During my three separate weeks at scheduled events this summer, I will not be able to post, but will let you know when those will be ahead of time. June 6-10 is the first one.

    I don't think anyone would un-invite you as you have participated quite a lot. So I wouldn't worry about not being around every so often, it's bound to happen to all of us at times..
    I think it's more directed to the people who have joined and we haven't heard a single thing from them.
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    Uninvited will be members who didn't participate in weekly Friday's weigh ins.
    Our group is based on each other support and openness and trust.
    And they showed us that they don't trust us , they aren't willing to share their pain and the fact that they just can't do it.
    All that we r saying is: please stop demeaning yourself and trust us, you can't do it by yourself, BUT YOU WILL DO IT WITH OUR SUPPORT!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I don't say too much but I'm an introvert so I'm quiet a lot of the time but I do love this group and hope I don't get uninvited!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    You are so nice , I would never uninvited you.
    I am postponing to one more week.
    Than I will gather all my notes and make a decision.
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    I think the weigh-ins are a good dealbreaker. If you're not putting yourself out there just that little bit, then you're not doing the minimum. I know some folks are introverted and others are less so. I'm an extrovert and even I feel a bit pressured to write more than I'm capable of here. Not that I wouldn't--just that I get busy living life and eating and exercising and forget.

    But, for me at least, lying in bed falling asleep and lying there waking up I read all the posts from my MFP friends and try to give encouragement. I am struggling with the two different interfaces. I'm doing great at reading my newsfeed, but I constantly forget to come over to the community and view the threads in our group. I will do better!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    I think the weigh-ins are a good dealbreaker. If you're not putting yourself out there just that little bit, then you're not doing the minimum. I know some folks are introverted and others are less so. I'm an extrovert and even I feel a bit pressured to write more than I'm capable of here. Not that I wouldn't--just that I get busy living life and eating and exercising and forget.

    But, for me at least, lying in bed falling asleep and lying there waking up I read all the posts from my MFP friends and try to give encouragement. I am struggling with the two different interfaces. I'm doing great at reading my newsfeed, but I constantly forget to come over to the community and view the threads in our group. I will do better!

    I just love what you wrote!
    We need to feel nugged a little, so I am annoying people, trying to wake them up, and doing it I am trying to push myself, I am so bad. I know I will get better, but for now I am just bad;(
  • valerieblaydes
    valerieblaydes Posts: 158 Member
    Stella, I can tell you are the most extroverted of all of us. I am gonna try real hard to bring my thoughts here to the community before I post a status on my wall. Or both. I don't want to neglect the private group.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I don't want to ignore our group either!
  • stesig13
    stesig13 Posts: 247 Member
    I don't want to ignore our group either!

    Thank you girls
    I post here and on my wall and I try to read people's achievements and cries for help, and I personally msg them and try to cheer them up
    And people cheer me up!
    It's awesome community!
    Thank you all!
  • Kareesdiet
    Kareesdiet Posts: 82 Member
    I think the weigh-ins are a good dealbreaker. If you're not putting yourself out there just that little bit, then you're not doing the minimum. I know some folks are introverted and others are less so. I'm an extrovert and even I feel a bit pressured to write more than I'm capable of here. Not that I wouldn't--just that I get busy living life and eating and exercising and forget.

    But, for me at least, lying in bed falling asleep and lying there waking up I read all the posts from my MFP friends and try to give encouragement. I am struggling with the two different interfaces. I'm doing great at reading my newsfeed, but I constantly forget to come over to the community and view the threads in our group. I will do better!

    This is my problem as well!!! I wish they were in one quick easy place.. But I will put the "work" into scrolling to another place I guess. hahahah
  • BelleCakes2018
    BelleCakes2018 Posts: 568 Member
    I don't say too much but I'm an introvert so I'm quiet a lot of the time but I do love this group and hope I don't get uninvited!

    You won't get uninvited at all! You do talk on here whether it's a little or alot - plus you're my friend ;) lol
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I don't say too much but I'm an introvert so I'm quiet a lot of the time but I do love this group and hope I don't get uninvited!

    You won't get uninvited at all! You do talk on here whether it's a little or alot - plus you're my friend ;) lol

    Ahhh thank you!