Welcome to the Sit Less Boot Camp (Please Read)

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member

Welcome to the Sit Less Boot Camp Challenge-A-Day! We are glad that you decided to join us in May for 31 days of sitting less and moving more. Over the next few weeks, we'll give you lots of ideas and resources to sit less and move more. Some of the daily challenges will be more appropriate for some folks than others, but we think they'll be something for everyone. If you participated in Sit Less Boot Camp before, welcome back! Some of the daily challenges will be familiar to you, but we've made some changes and spiced it up with new challenges too (thanks for your feedback!)

I will be joined this month by Denise (themedalist; a long-time MFP member) who moderates the website we will be using for some of the daily challenges, Quitting the Sitting (http://quittingthesitting.org). Feel free to check it out, but several of the daily challenges will be using the website in depth, so you many not want to jump ahead too far. The cool thing about Quitting the Sitting is that it was inspired by a group of MFP friends who are profiled on the Movers and Shakers page (http://www.quittingthesitting.org/movers--shakers.html). People who used to sit a lot who have made progress in sitting less and moving more and are really glad they've become more active. If they did it, we can too!

Our main goal for this month is to help you find one way to sit less and have it be something you stick with long after the challenge is over. Something that's easy for you to do that you'll keep doing. You may find multiple ways to sit less and move more and that's great, but identifying one thing to begin with is a great place to start (more on that soon as well!).

We will be supplementing the daily challenges with a series of posts called “Did you know?” These posts will contain infographics, news articles, books, websites, and other resources designed to give you a better understanding of why it's so important to sit less and move more and how you can reduce your sitting. “Did you know?” posts are generally made every other day during Sit Less Boot Camp, so look for those as well!

Welcome to Sit Less Boot Camp!!